Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (2024)

Home » Food » Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bake (baby, toddler + kid approved)

by Michele Olivier on April 3, 2020 (updated May 20, 2021)

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4.96 stars (100 ratings)

Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bake – a fun, easy and wholesome breakfast or snack that kids of all ages will love! Plus this Oat Bake is made with pantry staples, in one-bowl and with a prep-time of less than 10-minutes!

Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (1)

Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake

This oatmeal bake rocked my daughter’s life!

Made with her favorite food – oats (yes, she’s 7 going on 70), and amped up with sweet 🍌 and 🥜 butter, this oatmeal bake is somehow decadent and wholesome at the same time.

I love this breakfast because it’s easy to prep, can be made one-bowl and is made with healthy and pantry friendly ingredients. Plus, the entire family loves this bake 😋.

I have no doubts that this oatmeal bake will rock your life as well!

Reasons to Love this Oat Bake

  • loved by kids (and adults) of all ages
  • gluten-free
  • easy to make – less than 10-minutes of prep time
  • one-bowl
  • made with pantry staples
  • freezer-friendly
  • great for breakfast or snack
  • great way to serve oats for baby-led weaning
Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (2)


I made this while quarantined for CoVID19, so some ingredients that I normally would make this oat bake with I was out of or were hard to find at the stores. I listed below the substitutions that I know will work. If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll try to help you out.

  • Oats – I used old-fashioned oats but you can also use instant oats in this recipe, or a combo of 50/50 instant and old-fashioned oats. If gluten-free make sure to use oats specified as gluten-free.
  • Bananas – you want very ripe bananas with lots of brown spots on them for this recipe. The riper they are the sweeter the oat bake will be.
  • Peanut Butter – I used natural peanut butter in this recipe, but any peanut butter, almond or seed butter will work.
  • Milk – I used almond milk as that is what I had on hand. You can use any milk you prefer – regular, oat, hemp, soy or almond.
  • Agave Nectar – this was the only liquid sweetener I had on hand, but honey (for babies over 1 year of age) or maple syrup would also work. You can definitely leave the sweetener out if making for baby or younger toddlers.
  • Egg – I used a regular egg but you can use a flax egg as well.
  • Coconut Oil – I used melted coconut oil in this recipe. You could also use melted butter, olive oil or vegetable oil.
  • Baking Powder
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt

How to Make this Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bake

  1. In a large bowl, mix together the wet ingredients including the mashed banans, egg, peanut butter, sweetener, milk, vanilla extract, coconut oil and vanilla.
  2. Add in the oats, baking powder, salt and cinnamon and mix until just incorporated.
  3. Pour into a greased or lined 8×8 pan and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (3)
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (4)
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (5)
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (6)


You can easily have your kids help you make these muffins.


  • Toddlers can help measure and put the ingredients into the bowl.
  • They can help mix the ingredients together.


  • They can pick out and measure all of the ingredients.
  • They can help mix the ingredients together.
  • They can help to fill the tin with the mixture.

Fun Toppings to Try

  • Chopped Pecans
  • A drizzle of Peanut Butter
  • A Drizzle or Nutella or Melted Chocolate
  • Sprinkle of Coconut Sugar or Brown Sugar
  • Slices of Banana
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (7)
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (8)

How to Serve this Oat Bake

Baby-Led Weaning and Younger Toddlers: Once cooled, crumble the oat bake up (I didn’t add the drizzle of peanut butter to baby’s side of the oat bake) and serve with chopped “pea” size pieces of kiwi and a couple of spoonfuls of plain whole fat yogurt. I love this spoon for feeding yogurt to baby while practicing baby-led weaning. This is also a great breakfast for a toddler as well. This recipe does contain peanut butter, so I would recommend having served baby a small serving of peanut butter to them before serving this recipe so you can make sure they don’t have a reaction to peanuts. Here are some of my favorite ways to introduce peanuts to baby.

Older Toddlers and Kids: serve slices of this oat bake along with chunks of kiwi and a side of plain yogurt with chia seeds and bee pollen sprinkles. You can add a little honey to sweeten up the yogurt.

  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (9)
  • Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (10)

Other Great Kid-Approved Breakfast Recipes

  • 4 Baked Oatmeal Cups (baby, toddler + kid-approved)
  • 4 Breakfast Egg Muffins (Baby, Toddler + Kid-Approved)
  • 75 Toddler Meals (Healthy + Easy Recipes)
  • 15 Smoothies for Toddlers + Kids (Healthy + Delicious)
  • Freezer-Friendly Spinach Waffles for Baby + Toddler

Items Used for This Recipe


Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (11)

Get the recipe:Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bake

5 stars (100 ratings)

A fun, easy and wholesome breakfast or snack that kids of all ages will love! Plus this Oat Bake is made with pantry staples, in one-bowl and with a prep-time of less than 10-minutes!

Yield: 16 bars

Prep: 8 minutes minutes

Cook: 30 minutes minutes

Author: Michele Olivier

Course: Breakfast

Cuisine: American

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  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 cup milk of choice, regular, almond, soy, hemp, oat, etc.
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter
  • 3 tbsp agave nectar, honey or maple syrup (see notes)
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups old-fashion oats (use gluten-free if gf)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease or line an 8×8-inch baking dish.

  • In a large bowl, stir together the mashed banana, milk, peanut butter, agave, egg, coconut oil, and vanilla extract until well combined.

  • Add in the oats, baking powder, cinnamon and salt and stir until just combined.

  • Pour the oat batter into the baking dish and bake for 30 minutes or until just browned.

  • Let cool. Drizzle with extra peanut butter if you wish. Then cut into bars and serve.


Age: 7 months and up. You can omit the sweetener if serving to your baby under the year of one.

Yield: 16 small bars

Storage: store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Freezer-Friendly: once cooled, cut into bars and place in a freezer bag or container and place in freezer for up to 1 month. To reheat, simply take out the number of bars you want and microwave in 30-second increments until warm.

Notes on Sweetener: you can use agave nectar, maple syrup or honey in this recipe. Do not use honey if serving to babies under the age of one, as honey can causebotulism.

Serving: 1bar, Calories: 123kcal, Carbohydrates: 15.5g, Protein: 3.8g, Fat: 5.8g, Saturated Fat: 2.5g, Cholesterol: 13mg, Sodium: 111mg, Potassium: 170mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 5.9g, Calcium: 41mg, Iron: 1mg

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9-12 Months Baby Led Weaning Baked Goods Breakfast Dairy Free Family Finger Foods Food Gluten Free Kids Kids in the Kitchen Preschoolers School Lunch Snacks Toddlers Vegetarian

originally published on April 3, 2020 (updated May 20, 2021)

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  1. DebReply

    Just made this, is delicious and loved by everyone! Like a fool I turned it out too early and the whole thing fell apart – next time, I’ll read the instructions properly and leave it in the tin to cool. I blame Baby/isolation brain!

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So glad everyone loved it! hahaha – baby/isolation brain! I think it’s getting to all of us!

  2. Jane StewartReply

    Happened upon this recipe as I was looking for some energy, low calorie snack for the family. I had all the ingredients in my store cupboard. Took less than 15 minutes to put together. I’m not sure if I haven’t cooked it long enough or whether the consistency is correct, but it is a soft consistency, which not all the family are in favour of, preferring a harder one. I, however, love it

    • Michele OlivierReply

      This is softer than a granola bar since it is basically baked oatmeal. 30 minutes made ours soft but firm enough to not fall apart when cutting it into bars. You can bake it a little longer if you needed it to be firmer.

    • NikReply

      Would quick oats work? What do I need to do if I use quick oats?

      • Michele OlivierReply

        I haven’t tried it with quick oats, but I don’t see why it won’t work.

  3. Amy D.Reply

    Thanks for all your recipes, I have made a bunch and my family loves them. This tastes delicious! However, I was expecting it to be harder more like a granola bar, but it came out very soft and kind of mushy inside. Did I not cook it enough? What is the consistency supposed to be like?

    • Michele OlivierReply

      Since it’s an oatmeal bake (not a granola bar) it should be softer and muffin-like. Think baked oatmeal.

  4. AbbeyReply

    These are amazing! They were loved my adults and my toddler. I stumbled upon the recipe when searching for something new to make with some overripe bananas and I’m glad I found this. I did read the reviews about it being too soft so I added 1/4 cup whole wheat flour and baked it for 40 minutes – they came out perfect like bars.

  5. GiaReply

    Hi there,

    I used baby oats and didn’t use any nut butters but added apple sauce…it is very mushy still after cooking for 50+ minutes. Should I not have used baby oats? Just afraid with the eggs in it that I want to make sure it’s fully cooked!

    Thank you!

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So sorry, I haven’t tried making this recipe without the peanut butter or with baby oats so I don’t know why it’s still mushy.

  6. AmyReply

    Sounds like a delicious recipe. I just want to advise parents to NOT USE HONEY in this recipe as babies immune system is still developing, putting them at greater risk of botulism if they are given honey any younger than 12 months. (per CDC, acadamy of pediatrics, etc)

    • Michele OlivierReply

      Thank you for the reminder and catchig this! It was written in the post, but I updated the recipe card as well;).

  7. RoseReply

    Love this! Made dairy free, gluten free and with adjustments for ease of what’s in house. All good! So delicious I shared with mama groups and friends! Spread the word on this. Makes enough to store half for the week and freeze half for next week. Thank you for this deliciousness.

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So glad all of the adjustments worked for you! And thank you for spreading the word:)

  8. RachelReply

    I can’t rate this recipe because I didn’t get anywhere close to following the directions, but just in case anyone might get some use out of the results of my experiment, here they are:
    I thought I’d make these extra soft and chewy by using a mix of ground oats and AP flour, because the target audience has no teeth, so I made that change intentionally. I also used a mix of banana and applesauce since I only had one banana lying around. Then I must have gotten quite distracted, because I LEFT OUT the egg and the milk. But you know what? It worked anyway! I thought it was quite tasty with a pleasant texture (that held together nicely) and my 9-month-old scarfed down a stupendous amount of it in small, soft pieces.

    • Michele OlivierReply

      I’m so glad that this recipe worked out even with all of the changes!

  9. MiaReply

    My whole family loves this recipe! So simple and healthy. I have been making it for my daughter almost weekly since she was 10 months old. Sometimes with almond butter and sometimes with peanut butter. She is now almost 16 months. I like to add in raisins for a little something extra. Thanks for the great recipe!

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So happy to hear that your whole family loves this recipe! It’s such a good one! I love that you add raisins to it for a little weekly change up.

  10. KeriannReply

    This has become a go-to recipe for my picky toddler’s snacks. Even on days where she doesn’t eat much, she will scarf this down. I make a double batch in a large pan monthly, and freeze them in squares, then defrost in the microwave. I make this recipe exactly as is. It’s crumbly, but since she loves it I won’t change a thing. My husband nibbles on it too!

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So happy to hear that your little one loves this recipe! I love that you prep a double batch and freeze the squares for later! Such a great idea!

  11. Aris fosterReply

    My coconut oil expired on me before I realized- is there something I can substitute for it, or is it a must have?

    • Michele OlivierReply

      You can also use melted butter, avocado oil, olive oil or vegetable oil instead of coconut oil. Hope that helps.

  12. Nikki V.Reply

    This was really good! My 11 mo. old twins and my two toddlers loved it (so did I)! I’m even making a couple batches again to freeze for later! I will be keeping this recipe in the rotation for when I have overripe bananas to use up ☺️

    • Michele OlivierReply

      So happy to hear that your family loved this recipe! I love that you are thinking ahead and making multiple batches to freeze for later! Awesome!

  13. AlyReply

    Made this substituting sunflower butter for the peanut butter, butter for coconut oil, and maple for agave; it turned out great! A mild nutty flavor, nice and soft. It’s a lot like a soft banana bread in texture. My 10mo and I loved it- a great snack to have on hand for both of us to eat.

    • Michele OlivierReply

      Love all of your substitutions! So glad to hear that your little one and you loved this recipe!

  14. Mackenzie LizotteReply

    Made it this morning, and my 3yo and I loved the soft texture! I added a few chocolate chips on top, but otherwise followed the recipe as is. It’s delicious and I will be making it again!

    • Michele OlivierReply

      Awesome! Thanks Mackenzie! xo, Michele

  15. LisReply

    Followed the recipe, so bland. Will eat adding lots of toppings

  16. ShannonReply

    Loved it! Even my picky toddler ate every bite. I followed the recipe exactly and it was great. I left it to cool completely in the pan but it still came out kind of crumbly but it was really good. Definitely going to be a breakfast staple in our house

    • Michele OlivierReply

      Happy to hear it turned out well for you! If it passes the test of a picky toddler, it’s a keeper in my book!

  17. katieReply

    My 12 month old loves these. He loves that he can feed himself breakfast. Sometimes we hide in the hallway, eat these together and giggle.

    • Michele OlivierReply

      That sounds like fun! ❤️

  18. GailReply

    I can’t wait to try this recipe. Would it be possible to bake in a 12 cup muffin tray.

    • Michele OlivierReply

      It is possible! Bakes 350F for 20-22 minutes. =)

      • GailReply

        Thank You!

  19. MReply

    Can I substitute applesauce for the bananas?

    • Michele OlivierReply

      I haven’t tried substituting the bananas with applesauce, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. If you try it, please let me know how it turns out.

Banana Peanut Butter Oat Bake (toddler + kid-approved) - Baby Foode (2024)
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