blackberry and coconut macaroon tart (2024)

  • snitchy

    lookin’ good!

  • Delicious! I can’t wait for the farmers markets to start up once the weather gets warmer where I am so I can start making some fruit tarts! I bet the combination between coconut and blackberry tastes so refreshing!

  • Yet another reminder that I need to order Heidi’s cookbook! It looks delicious!

  • Oh, I love her website. And I love yours. This is just a perfect combination. I may have to make this ASAP.

  • What a recipe! I am the same way with new cookbooks and magazines. I cannot wait to get my hands on them!

  • Looks beautiful. I also can’t wait to get my hands on Super Natural Every Day. Thanks for sharing!

  • Leslie

    Omg sounds so good, so glad i have my own kitchen now!!!

  • Abby @ get the fork out

    Holy, this looks good. Cant wait till Fairway has decent blackberries, and I’m all over it! Is it especially sweet? The cookbook is also on my Amazon wishlist now.

    1. deb

      It’s not nearly as sweet as store-bought macaroons usually are. Or macarons for that matter!

  • Cindy


    You could use a sling (Cook’s Illustrated) to help remove your tart from a cake pan without a removable bottom.


    1. deb

      Hi Cindy — I definitely considered suggesting it but am not very confident that the tart base ever gets firm enough to be lifted whole, even when cool. Or, as I mentioned in the headnotes, it could have been poor ingredient choices on my part.

      Abby — I bought mine from a street vendor but yeah, they were real touch and go!

  • Virginia

    We currently have cappuccino-chip cardboard-can macaroons in our house (they’re not amazing, but more edible)…. this looks waaaay better!! I’ll add the book to my (long) list!

  • Jennie

    Ah this makes me sooooo happy, a combination of my 2 favorite blogs (and the only 2 that I read) in one post! Can’t wait to get Super Natural Everyday and can’t wait for Smitten Kitchen cookbook next year!!!

  • Annette

    I don’t know if anyone else is going through this…but a lot of areas where there should be pictures? ..there is a boxed X… anyone else?

    1. deb

      It looks like my image host (Flickr) is coughing and sputtering right now. Hopefully, it should be back to normal in a bit or I’ll eventually move the images over to my server. (But secretly, was hoping to go to bed after updating!)

  • i too am completely obsessed with Heidi’s new book. it’s just so pretty! i can’t wait to crack it open this weekend and actually cook from it.

    speaking of cookbooks, you’re looking at someone who is anxiously awaiting yours! is it 2012 yet?

    this macaroon tart looks so amazing, and i love that you used unsweetened coconut. i swore by the bags of sweetened flake coconut for years for making macaroons, but i’ve been using unsweetened coconut like crazy lately. i like being able to control the sweetness of my baked goods. you know, like any good control freak does.

  • Yummy Mmmy

    Oh my this looks and sounds amazing! No surprise as 101Cookbooks and Smitten Kitchen are both amazing!

  • JanetP

    Annette, yes, my photos are blank boxes as well. Argh! Such a dreamy-sounding recipe ….

  • JanetP

    And, gak, the Jacob photo is a blank box as well! The world is indeed cruel sometimes.

  • Beautiful! I’m not sure I can track down fresh berries in this lovely Sydney autumn at the moment, and there’s No Way I’m going to wait to make this, so I’m thinking I could work something plummy in there instead – yummo!

  • This looks amazing! I need to find some blackberries…I have to make this!

  • I love me some Heidi, and I love me some Deb. Add some blackberries and littleclove is VERY HAPPY!!!! :-)))

  • YUM! Coconut macaroon and berries in a tart – wow.

  • Susan @ One Less Thing

    I was so hoping it would be K for P.

  • I hate how pre-ordering sometimes means that a book comes really late, what a disincentive! I can’t wait to get my copy!

  • I bought her cookbook this past Saturday and we’ve already made four dishes from it. (This one will definitely be on our list!) Love.

  • I love her healthy, whole grain wholesome approach to cooking. Coconut seems to be in right now and I am loving it. Blackberries are showing up in the markets and look beautiful. This recipe sounds like the plan.

  • Oooo! I can’t wait for this book. In the meantime, this is going in the oven! Thank you!

  • Confession time: I love those cardboard containers of macaroons in all their glory. But I have also spent a great deal of time this year trying out Passover dessert recipes that aren’t quite as horrifically unnatural too!

  • I was going to try to resist buying anymore cookbooks for a while, but I can’t, maybe after I buy Heidi’s book. Oh, such weak will power.


  • That’s it, I’m buying that book! I’ve been on a cookbook “diet”, but I’m totally falling off the wagon. Pregnant me wants this tart in my face RIGHT NOW. Pregnant me also cried after one bite of dinner tonight, cause I couldn’t gag it down, so I deserve a little treat tomorrow. Thanks for pushing me over the edge!

  • I can’t wait to buy Heidi’s new book too! Those Macaroons look amazing – and I love the idea of adding blackberries and pistachios to them. The “alternative” flours you listed above are also really interesting. I can’t wait to try this recipe with spelt flour – I recently made spelt tortillas and I loved them, and this will be a really creative use for the remaining flour I have! Thanks! :)

  • The tart looks heavenly. One of my all-time favorite 101 Cookbooks recipes would have to be the Thousand Layer Lasagna. Need I say more?

  • I’m currently entered to win this cookbook in two different blog givaways. Keep your fingers crossed for me…. but if it’s not meant to be, I’m ordering it with my husband’s free two-day shipping. I’ve cooked two recipes from her first book and they were both incredible. I’ve got to have more.

  • Alright, that’s it. I’m buying that cookbook tomorrow! I, too, have been seeing recipes and reviews from the book popping up all over the food blogosphere and I can’t take it anymore! Heidi is truly a food genius. Thanks for tempting me to add to my enormous cookbook collection! Addicts unite!

  • I have yet to get my hands on her book as well, sadly in deed. There is quite a lot of blogger love going around for Heidi and her new book, and she is totally deserving! This tart looks like it is just as exceptional as every other recipe I’ve seen. I most definitely can’t wait to get my hands on her book and sink my teeth into some of those dishes!!

  • Melissa

    This looks divine, but my favorite part of the post was the description of Jacob testing out the package. How adorable. Glad that he performed all those QA checks for you.

  • Alexandra

    Photos are fixed! And I’m drooling… must… resist… buying… cookbooks…

  • Sounds good! My mouth is watering. Thanks for sharing!


  • When I read the title to this post I nearly died- it sounds (and looks) divine! I have a couple of bags of blackberries in my freezer that I picked fresh last summer so I might try this recipe myself :) I had to laugh at the 101 Cookbooks delivery saga- there is nothing worse than waiting for a package to arrive!

  • Those look absolutely amazing. What a perfect combination! I’ve made a regular fruit tart with the pastry cream and chocolate layers, but this version looks really decadent.

    I love the toasted coconut, blueberries, and you can never go wrong with pistachios. Actually I was wondering if it’s possible to do a variation on your chocolate hazelnut cake with other nuts like pistachios?

  • Esme

    Heidi did a book signing/potluck(!!) at Omnivore books last week in SF. Great book and even greater author. I hope when the Smitten Kitchen book comes out, you’ll visit San Francisco and choose Omnivore books to do a similar signing… potluck optional, on second thought -mandatory-.

  • so glad it finally arrived as this is a stunning recipe :)

  • Interesting and unusual combination – coconut, blueberry and pistachio. These ingredients are not grown in similar climates so its a nice mix of ‘global’ ingredients

  • This looks very pretty and super-tasty – can’t wait to get my hands on Heidi’s book!

  • It is official – it shall be SmittenKitchen weekend in my kitchen!

  • This looks completely delicious. Given how much sugar I’ve seen in other macaroon recipes and the tartness of good blackberries, this looks like a perfect sugary compromise!

  • Omg it looks amazing! Wish I could taste it thrue the screen!

  • Simone

    I too am sick of the sticky-sweet macaroons that I’m usually stuck w/ over Passover. Thanks for posting this recipe- it’s a keeper. Happy Passover!

  • Your photos are always so ‘calm’ – I’m sure that’s part of why your recipes seem so accessible to me. There’s no anxiety, flusteredness – just a quiet promise of enjoyment and success. Thank you!

  • I recieved Heidi’s book yesterday! Whoop! And had also spotted this recipe during my late-into-the-night first browse of the pages. I’m just considering what my first attempt from the book should be. :-)

  • This all sounds very familiar.. Every-time I order a book(s) on amazon, the first thing I do when I walk into my house, is checking the postbox. If the books are not there, I will annoy the rest of the house with a interrogation. Very disappointing to find out it didn’t arrive yet.. I do read 101 cookbooks, but didn’t order her book yet.. Not because I don’t want it (I actually really do want it), but I just own so many cookbooks.. I promised myself I wouldn’t buy anything until I at least tried a few more of the untouched ones..

    Cheap store-bought macaroons must be one of the only store-bought sweets I actually like.. I’m sure these are way more delicious though!

  • What a great idea- and looks so beautiful and yum!

  • I’ve tried Heidi’s original recipe and it was lovely, but do you know what, I think I fancy the sound of yours even more. We like savoury food in my household but all of your sweet things always look so gorgeous that we might have to try this one. I am just starting out with a cancer nutrition focused blog and your style, content and stunning photos are an inspiration. Thanks!

  • I was wondering if you had a recipe for macaroons and planned to look today!! Thanks!!!

  • As I stand here, eating multigrain toast, the sight of that first photograph pissed me off in that well-known feeling of “Deb is so much smarter than me, WHY is that tart not on my life” kind of way.

    It’s on the list.

  • Susan

    Hi Deb,

    This looks great – I’ve also preordered Heidi’s book, but since I preordered the Miette book as well, I won’t be seeing it until June. :( However, I wanted to suggest something re: the Flour-matzo cake meal switcheroo here. A VERY observant/Orthodox friend who bakes like a fiend for Passover told me last year that you can’t do one-to-one substitutions of flour and cake meal. Instead, for 1 cup of flour, you would use 1/2 cup of cake meal and 1/2 cup of potato starch. I actually tried this in ALice Medrich’s cocoa brownies and they were to die for, and perfectly kosher for Passover (so naturally, I moved on to my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe . . . which also came out great.)

  • I just posted my own macaroon recipe today! Perfect for Passover… I love the idea of making it into a loaf and then making it so springy with the blackberries. Looks wonderful.

  • Susan

    Until last night I didn’t know from Heidi or 101 cookbooks. Heide? Heide who? (sounds like a Cab Calloway song..Yes. My attempt at humor is that bad.) Anyway, my son called me while he was mid dinner at Fresh Choice, asking if I knew what quinoa was and to go find recipes. Google took me to 101 cookbooks and Heide, since you don’t have any recipes using it. ( How come?) I’ll have to check her site out now that I know of it and now this recipe, too. This looks interesting. I would never have thought to pair a macaroon with a blackberry. Oh, and about those canned mac’s, I just discovered those a couple of years ago and really like them! Especially dipped in your hot fudge sauce. Oh Yeah.

  • The tart looks amaizing! Great photos & I’m sure the taste too!

  • Looks like a lovely Easter brunch dessert. And I love Heidi’s posts and beautiful website as well.

  • Shaz (feedingmykidsbetter)

    Oh wow. Looks like an awesome post-dinner treat.

  • William

    looks good. Where did you find those glass bowls?

  • I’ve seen several raves about Heather’s new book – I’m going to have to pop over to Amazon and get myself a copy! This tart looks so delicious ~ I love blackberries this time of year & coconut?! Yep, it rocks my world :-)

  • These pictures are beautiful – it doesn’t hurt the food looks so amazing as well!

  • this looks awesome!! i have blackberries burning a hole in my fridge and my sweet tooth is out of control right now! i wonder if the crust would work with brown sugar or white as i am out of cane till saturday – hhmmmm……maybe this will get me out of painting the bathroom this weekend cause i’ll be busy baking! haha. thanks as always for the inspiration!

  • Bob’s Red Mill! Oregon represent!


    An Oregon Ex-pat Living in the South

  • Can you just make this in a 9inch cake pan and eat it out of there? I don’t want my dreams crushed my lack of utensil. And my husband will kill me if I add another pan to our dollhouse sized kitchen.

  • First of all, your son is the cutest thing ever. And I’m not even a kid person.

    This recipe looks delicious. I might have to pass it along to one of my houseguests so that they make it for my Seder!

  • Kendra

    Can’t wait to try this for my Seder on Monday!

  • Nisa

    Do you beat the eggwhites first? Did I miss something? This looks great!

    1. deb

      Nisa — No beaten egg whites required.

      Susan — That is really interesting and makes sense. I’m eager to try this again with that mixture. It would explain a lot, too, as every time I use matzo cake meal everything just tastes so matzo-y or “bread of afflictionish” as I joke. To me, it’s a very loud taste. Likely because I don’t really care for matzo, unless it is covered with caramel chocolate and salt or a thick spread of salted butter!

  • Absolutely my top pick of desserts from Heidi’s book. Will be making it myself this weekend. I wish I had come up with the idea myself. It’s that good ;-)

  • This does look and sound really delicious. I love blackberries and have just purchased a long rectangle tart pan just like this one. I’m a bit new on the block and keep hearing about this new cookbook. I never thought I’d begin a cookbook collection but its heading in that direction! Thank you!

  • leanne

    This has been one of my go-to recipes since Heidi posted the original. LOVE IT. I’ve made it with various berries and fruits, and I must say, while blackberries are my favorite berry, this recipe is to die for with fresh cherries.

  • How long do you think it will last? I’d love to make this for a party and was wondering if I could do it a day or two ahead. I always remember macaroons lasting forever…

  • Wow – I DO live in a cave! I have never heard of her blog or that book…but I’ll come out of the cave long enough to check out both and make this tart for Easter…I was looking for something special – thanks! xo, Nan

  • elyse

    i too, grew up with macaroons out of a can. which no one liked yet we always bought, and it turned me off from anything coconut for way too long. trying to make up for it now, and love seeing a passover dessert that isn’t a flourless chocolate fill-in-the-blank concoction (although i will make some of those too). quick question – i’ve only been able to find sweetened coconut for passover. would that work if i cut down the sugar?

  • This looks SOOO amazing. Can’t wait to try this at some point!

  • You always have such great passover ideas! Thank you! I think I’ll try this and those Chocolate Souffle cupcakes you made last year…

  • Hot dang, this looks good! I’m always looking for non-chocolate dessert recipes. This one looks like a winner! Coconut and blackberry. A combo I’d never thought of before! :)

  • Kristen E

    Thanks for scaling the recipe – I took one look at your pan and thought “ok, I’ll never be making this, because I’m not buying a pan like that!” I”m glad that you think of things like that. :)

  • Geez, you too! I feel the same way, I am still waiting for my book to arrive while everyone else in the entire cyber world is gushing over every page. Just get here already!

    PS – Cutest munchkin ever!

  • paula

    I have 2 of the same narrow tart pan with removable bottom that is in your beautiful photos (that I bought at Williams-Sonoma). So please advise the recipe quantities for that exact size pan – if you wouldn’t mind!

  • I feel the same about the book! I need it! But my lazy butt hasn’t gone and bought it yet…. or my book club read (for the 3rd month in a row)

    This tart on the other hand, might be bumped to the top. I need to make something for easter and this may have knocked the apple tart to the curb.
    Thanks Deb!

  • What a great looking recipe!

    I LOVE coconut, and I still remember reading your post about how you tricked your husband into liking too it by toasting it, pulsing it in the food processor and putting it in cookies!

    Do you think spreading a layer of jam on the crust would add anything to the recipe? I am worried if I made it, it would come out dry!

  • Svetlana

    Oh wow! This looks so delicious and easy to make! I cant wait to try it!!

  • Madeleine

    Hi Deb,

    I’ve been a loyal follower of your help- taste- and cheerful blog for a couple of years now…. and have been enjoying your amazing suggestions to bring some variety to our table – so thank you for that!
    This one also looks amazing and I cannot wait to try it out… I happen to have a couple of those unusual rectangular tart pans with removable bottom (but I think it is only about 4×11), and I appreciate the size for a smaller household or just a friend coming over as well as the looks of it. What amounts should I go by? Can I just halve your volumes above to come up with the right amount for one tartepan, you think?
    Thanks a lot!

  • I love to cook, but when it comes to actual recipes, yours, Heid’s and Ina Garten’s, Pioneer Woman’s are the only ones I trust without tweaking. This looks completely delightful! Thanks for sharing :)

  • Deb,
    Would you like to be my mom? :)

    1. deb

      Renata — Only if you sleep through the night.

      Madeleines — Jam sounds delicious, and much more seasonal (at least around here) than those admittedly lackluster blackberries I bought on the street.

      Folks with the same tart pan as me — In the head notes, I explained exactly how I adjusted the recipe for it.

  • Oh God!
    A decent Passover dessert!
    I am posting ginger macaroons on Monday, which came out great.
    I will try this tart during the week.
    Looks beautiful.

  • Em

    Ditto Paula and Madeleine. I’m excited to make this because I have one of those pans that I’ve never used! (Along with the other reason that it looks amazing.) Will the recipe as posted work, or yield too much crust? Thanks.

  • Deb, your intro made me laugh. Love the tart photos, but the little blurred superhero is my fave. And now, more importantly, I’m off to subscribe to Garden & Gun. Thank you. I think. xoxo

  • OMG Smitten Kitchen meets 101 Cookbooks meets a Passover coconut macaroon? Does it GET any better than that?
    This is going on my must-make list. What do you think of subbing coconut oil for the butter ? (I’m a bit nuts for coconut at the moment and thought it might add a nice flavor?)
    Ps love your site – you feed me well in Paris! Come visit us in France (/cook for me haha) soon!

  • I would like to add this to the many, many reasons I need a tart pan. You included little snippets of super poetic descriptions (“spiky coconut pillows” and “tufts of macaroon filling”), and the photos here are breathtaking, and I don’t know if it’s just because I’m having a pretty rough day or what…but this brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful post!

  • I, too, awaited Heidi’s latest impatiently last week, after pre-ordering it on Amazon months ago, and then seeing that everyone online was receiving their copies! Someone told me that they received theirs right away from Amazon, and ventured that maybe it was because they had Amazon Prime, which I don’t, and neither does someone else I know who also received hers late- so maybe that was it. Very disappointing though to receive things later than the rest of the world when you’ve pre-ordered it. Anyways, when the book finally arrived, I made her millet muffins right away- they were really delicious!

    On the subject of macaroons- I made the ones in Martha Stewart’s Cookies book last Passover, they’re of the classic style, but are very moist and delicious, in addition to being a snap to make. Don’t know if you have that book- but it’s really, really gorgeous (and pretty much the antithesis of Heidi’s latest in terms of health).

  • yittie

    try mixing 1/2 cup potato starch and 1/2 cup mazza meal and knock off the extra 2 tablespoons. you learn things being Jewish and having a son with celiac… have a happy holiday

  • just as i was jotting down ideas for passover seder, voila – i saw this. and it looks fantastic ! i’m thinking i’m going to have to make it twice. first as is. then, swapping the blackberries out for dark chocolate. chocolate, coconut, pistachios… can’t imagine that will be bad. even with matzoh meal. ;) hope you have a happy and delicious passover !

  • This tart looks wonderful! Great recipe. I need something like this for a potluck I’m having this weekend.

  • samarahuel

    I made Orangette’s Chocolate-Covered Macaroons a few years ago and again a couple weeks ago; both times they were delicious. This looks delicious too. One can never eat too much coconut this time of year (said with a belly full of Coconut Coffee Cake a friend served to me this morning). Yum!

    Flickr comment (because I don’t have an account there and am just too lazy to make one):
    I think I’m the second one to say this, but that is the cutest blur I’ve ever seen. I have a 19-month-old son myself, and your descriptions are always very accurate and make me smile.

  • this looks great. tarts have become my new obsession because they are fiarly easy to throw together, they taste amazing the the aroma from the oven fills the house and just makes me dream of summer picnics.
    thanks for sharing, I might need to get this book as well :)

  • Blackberry and coconut: perfect combination! Perfect freshness for spring!

  • Blackberries are so woefully underused in desserts – the black sheep of berries? I dunno. But they’re usually so much cheaper than their cousins Rasp & Straw so I usually keep a steady supply in my fridge, when they’re looking healthy at the market, that is. I’ve never been a huge macaroon fan, but this dessert looks mighty tempting. I just whipped up Key Lime Blackberry Bites so I have a few extra blackberries on hand and a brand new bag of Bob’s Redmill just wasting space in the Freezer. I may skip the ‘stachios though and use salted/toasted walnuts… OK, I’m getting excited…

  • Alfia

    What do you think of subbing the matzo flour for almond flour in the crust? I haven’t yet tried anything with almond flour but I’ve got a lonely bag of it in the pantry…

  • Wow, these look amazing. I love me some coconut! Thanks Deb, always inspiring. :)

  • bell

    Just arrived here after reading 17andbaking’s latest post, and what do I see…!?

  • Looks gorgeous! I would sub almond flour/meal for the wheat flour and if one needs this to be dairy-free for the seder, use melted coconut oil for the butter. The key is to keep this refrigerated otherwise it will be soft and not hold together as well. I happen to love coconut macaroons and I think David Lebovitz has the best recipe hands down. I adapted his to be gluten-free and Passover friendly and people who don’t even like coconut have raved. Have a great holiday!

  • Two of my most favorite ingredients (blackberries and coconut) in one recipe?? A must try!!!

  • Wow! What a recipe! This is so pretty!

  • wow this looks great!

  • You really are an amazing cook. I wouldn’t have even attempted that recipe!

  • Mary Ann

    I made the French onion soup and it was so yummy. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Now, for the tart.

  • Danielle

    I made a pistachio-raspberry buckle once that incorporated processed pistachioes into the flour. Did you try this method for your base? If you did and it failed I’ll forget about it, but I may try it in my own version if you didn’t!

    1. deb

      Hi Danielle — I didn’t but see no reason you might not swap out a small amount of the flour for an equal amount of ground pistachios.

  • This looks amazing. The coconut + berries combo is always the start of a great dessert, in my opinion. I have Heidi’s book on my wish list but from the looks of this I’ll have to buy it ASAP!

  • Yum! Just in time for Easter– I am exhausted by my family’s attempts to make easter lunch as traditional and ho-hum as ever, and while I can’t talk them out of the same old baked ham, maybe I can convince them to swap the standard coconut cake for this. Somehow, I do not think it will be a hard sell.

  • Jill

    I don’t have wheat or spelt or matzo, but I do have coconut flour that I haven’t used yet. I gotta figure it would taste fine, but do have any experience with how this might hold up in a recipe like this?

  • I am SO MAKING THIS for Passover! Thanks, Deb!

  • This looks awesome. I definitely share your pain with waiting for packages. I check the tracking info hourly once I have something on the way haha.

  • Susan

    Well, would you let us know if you do retry with the split of cake meal/potato starch? I’d love to know how it works in a fruit tart. I haven’t mass converted most of my favorite recipes for the holiday (usually because I’m too busy enjoying my annual matzah-spread–thickly-with-butter festival!) but it has worked well in the three or four recipes I tried last year, and I’m eager to keep testing it. I wonder how it would work in a fruit tart or cake, which can sometimes be more damp because of the fruit itself. Arthur Schwartz’s passover apple-walnut cake (which I adore) is definitely pretty damp, but that’s likely because of the amount of apples. (If you haven’t tried that for the holiday, go for it – it’s a great variation on the more classic so-called Jewish Apple Cake that I think you once posted, and which my mother has also made for most of my life. Yum.

  • Ok this is like the third time I’ve seen this macaroon tart on somebody’s blog!! I need to make this ASAP and get the book

  • Angie

    Blackberries, coconut, and pistachios, oh my! This looks amazing – and perfect for an event this weekend! One question: I’m fairly new to baking and do not have a fully-stocked kitchen yet. Could I make this with a 9-inch tart pan without a removable bottom, or is this something I should just invest in? Thanks for your thoughts and such a great recipe!

    1. deb

      Angie — You’ll probably be fine without a removable bottom, especially with the parchment paper. Removable bottoms just make it easier to get slices out cleanly.

  • wow Deb, looks amazing. I really do need to buy a tart pan one of these days. I am going to try this with cherries, can’t wait! I love coconut, seems like I am putting it in everything these days. Just discovered coconut flour, a great gluten free alternative. I also want to try coconut sugar, which just showed up in our grocery store.

  • Janelle

    Well you do make this look amazing! I confess…I bought Heidi’s first book, only to find it…unapproachable…I mean to say, just too different from my normal cooking. And so I gave it my (ecstatic!) more-adventurous friend. But I have loved EVERYthing I have made off your blog, and, well, I trust you. So tell me, is her second book truly more “every day” than the first? Because it looks so tempting. And I WANT to like it!

  • a) love all things coconut b) own that tart pan! c) might have to substitute raspberries or blueberries for this as the blackberries around here taste like lime (in a bad way). Maybe it can go alongside my Passover Marbled Berry cake! Thanks for posting!

  • I feel your pain…I STILL haven’t received my copy. But I’m glad to have your adaptation of this tart. (And I’m always in awe of your gorgeous photographs!)

  • Jen

    I love you.

  • a very different tart recipe…maybe ill try this one out…after i have mastered the simple ones first!!!

  • Looks like the blackberries and the coconut have the flavors to help us forget the matzah. Definitely trying this one.

  • The photo “with pistachios” makes me shiver. That’s slightly embarrassing, but pictures like yours are what made me start my own blog. Thank you for the inspiration, Deb! . . . And keep the Jacob photos coming.

  • christina.eats

    I made followed your recipe except for a few alterations… used a mixture of coconut flour/oat flour/ww pastry flour and almond meal, spread a thin layer of blueberry/blackberry spread over the base before arranging the blackberries and whipped the eggwhites into a fluffy meringue before adding the coconut. It’s in the oven right now and smells heavenly.

  • I made the tart last night and the coconut and the blackberries were divine together. However, the macaroon top didn’t stick to the bottom, which bothered me a bit. Anyone had that problem? I also expected it would have been a bit more moist and chewy like actual macaroons. It was slightly dry. Maybe whipped egg whites would change that or maybe I’ll underbake it a bit next time? Would love to hear other experiences…

  • We all love Heidi, don’t we? I don’t know if many others here have found her wonderful library forum yet, but it’s really worth getting involved. This month we’ve been focussing on Breakfast Lunch Tea, The Little Meals of Rose Bakery and next month it will be Nigel Slaters Volume 1 of Tender.

  • That looks AMAZING! I was just out this morning picking up macaroons and matza meal to begin my Passover cooking. Thanks for sharing all your Passover recipes!

  • Sarah

    These were amazing! I made them in an 8 inch square baking dish and let the parchment paper hang over to make handles. This made them so easy to remove them from the pan.

  • paula

    Well, I can only say I’m disappointed.
    Followed your directions meticulously.
    The baked tart looks great – I have two of those skinny tart pans so I made two!
    But arranging the topping around the blackberries is quite time consuming and labor intensive.
    And – the bottom crust came out dry and crumbly. Definitely needs more butter!
    The top layer and bottom stuck together – no problem there.
    I used salted pistachios as you did and the most prominent taste is salt!
    I have been making my own macaroons for years now, using a combination of flaked coconut with shredded coconut and they are always moist and delicious. And you can vary them by adding dried cranberries or dipping them partially in melted chocolate. Better than this tart by far!
    (Also, ordered the book from Amazon on Wednesday evening and had it by Friday. Free shipping as I bought other things I had been waiting to buy.)

  • Omar

    Pure heaven like everything you post! Made it and loved it. I can only say that it is easy and doable to press in the berries after you have poured in the filling. I kind of did both.. first laid out the berries, but then found it needed more.. so pressed them in. Worked like a charm.

  • Rachael

    I just saw that you won 2nd place in Saveur’s Best Food Blogs 2011!! Congrats! Very cute picture in the May issue!

  • Leslie

    I made this tonight for a dinner party with 8 friends and it was a success. I had the original size pan in the recipe (8″x11) and so re-adjusted the recipe back to the original proportions. It was quite easy, primarily because you use virtually the same ingredients for the crust as for the topping. I used equal quantities of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, which was a good combination for me (I don’t love blackberries enough to make it the only berry), and cut both the large blackberries and raspberries in half. I had to adjust the baking times; the crust needed an extra 8 minutes and the assembled tart another 15 minutes. This may be due to the going back to the original pan size and increased volume. The pistachios were key; the salt helped to cut the sweetness of the macaroons. I might consider adding sea salt to the crust or sprinkling the finished tart with some coarse sea salt at the end. I will make this again without hesitation.

  • Yummy….never even heard of this before. Giving me lots of ideas! Hope to try it soon!

  • Bravo! I’m a huge fan of anything coco-nutty. Can’t wait to test out your recipe this week. By the way, I’m a massive fan of SK, I think you do a wonderful job and I always get excited to see when you’ve updated in my Google Reader!

  • elizabeth

    Made this last night and loved it!! I thought it was super easy to pull together with simple ingredients and was dinner party worthy. I used my spring form pan as the bottom from my tart pan has been missing for some time, worked great. I used almost all the crust batter, did bake for an extra 5 minutes, used all blackberries the whole pint of them, I found putting on the macaroon filling very easy and just plopped it on top of the berries, I used all the topping:) I didn’t have salted pistachio’s but the unsalted were just fine, I can see why the salted would work really well here. All in all a keeper, Thanks Deb!

  • I was sold on this recipe the moment I saw the title in my RSS reader. Any recipe involving coconut and blackberries is a winner in my book, especially since it’s a recipe by wonderful Heidi!

  • Madeleine

    Made them today, and they taste truly delicious and just like spring! I used the same tarte form as you did, Deb. I made the full amount, and I had enough crust for 2 of them. The filling, however, I had to almost double to have enough for both.

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  • I don’t normally read Heidi’s blog, but your description is enticing. I’ll have to check it out more regularly. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Yum! These look incredible, can’t wait to try them soon! I might even add more types of berries!

  • Martha

    Just made the tart and it looks just like your photo. It is for a seder tomorrow evening. Should I refridgerate the tart or leave it at room temperature overnight?
    Can’t wait to try it.

  • Beth

    Made this yesterday for tonight’s seder (in a 10 inch springform pan) and it was a success! The matzo cake meal I found at Whole Foods was actually OK, and pretty finely ground, so the crust turned out pretty good. Thanks Deb!

  • Macaroon tart? You are just all about fulfilling my burning desire to return to Paris right now :) Please, do continue. I’m loving it!

  • My favorite tart still pineapple jam tart forever and ever :). Who else die hard fan pineapple jam tart here like me ? hehehe

  • Just pulled these from the oven for the seder tonight. In-sane. Thanks!

  • ooooooooooh buddy. those berries are calling my name. as is the coconut. i can’t resist!!

  • c

    Made this over the weekend, and it was delicious! I especially love the shortbread base. I found myself dreaming of enjoying the base as a separate cookie along with a cup of hot tea or coffee. Divine!

  • Ariella

    Sonds fantastic. I am not a baker so my questions is do you beat the egg whites until stiff?

  • mary joe

    these comments are . . . . . . . interesting”oooh buddy”

  • Geraldine

    Hi Deb,
    i just loved those pictures of tarts.they really made me crave homestyle cooking. too bad my grandma only gives me spam from a can!

  • kayemdub

    First time commenter, loooong time follower, here.

    I’m usually a Mark Bittman’s ultimate minimalist macaroon devotee (, but after seeing this recipe, I just HAD to try it.

    However, due to an insane schedule, I didn’t get to go shopping until this morning and, of course, all three grocery stores I went to were out of matzo cake meal. But the last one, at least, had Maneshweitz Coffee Cake mix. So I took a chance and used that in my base instead.


    As you suggested, I used the extra tbsp of butter (vegan – Earth Balance) and the result was the equivalent of a PERFECT (and K4P unleavened) shortbread base!!!

    So, in short – I highly recommend using the coffee cake mix over matzo cake meal!

    (And also, I. Love. This. Blog.)

  • (me again) huge success ! made the crust with matzoh meal and potato starch – super crunchy and light. and the filling with chocolate chips instead of blackberries. mmmm ! thanks again for the recipe, chag sameach !

  • Beautiful as usual. In a day and age when when folks can be snarky and competitive, it’s lovely to see Smitten Kitchen endorsing the work of another, equally talented food writer.

  • It’s in the oven now…

  • This looks divine. I would not have put blackberries and coconut together….but you’ve got me thinking. I’m also supremely jealous of your rectangular tart pan…it just looks like infinitely more elegant than a round one.

  • Simone

    Hi Deb,

    i have been following and loving your blog for about a year now and just this weekend your blog was featured in a widely read newspaper ‘The Age’ here in Melbourne, Australia. So it seems soon everyone Down Under will love you too !!

    The word is spreading :))

  • Yum! Blackberries are my favourite berry – but I’d never thought to combine them with coconut! Now if only I could find coconut that’s free of the preservative I’m sensitive too! I’m also definitely going to have to get Heidi’s book – you’re right: everyone’s been talking about her!

  • LaJuana

    My cookbook should arrive today…can hardly wait!!!

  • elyse

    to follow up from my comment above (#88). . . i made this last night. it got rave reviews at our seder! a few alterations:
    1) left the sugar out of the crust since i was using sweetened coconut; as per other suggestions in the comments (thanks for the tip!), I used 1/2 cup potato starch and 1/2 cup cake meal; also used margarine instead of butter as it needed to be dairy-free – i pressed the dough into an 8-inch springform pan
    2) when making the filling, i tasted the coconut to see how sweet it was so i could adjust the amount of sugar accordingly. wasn’t sweet at all. rechecked the package. i was using unsweetened coconut after all! proceeded with the recipe as is, adding a small pinch of salt due to not having any salted pistachios for the top
    3) after it cooled, i drizzled some melted chocolate (instead of the pistachios).
    in the end, leaving the sugar out of the crust was perfectly fine – the tart as a whole wasn’t too sweet, which was nice since all the other desserts were super sweet meringues, chocolate covered matzah, etc (not that there’s anything wrong with that!)

  • Blue Spoon Baking

    Made this recipe yesterday and served it to grateful guests who attended my Seder last night. I used matzoh cake meal and used two extra tablespoons of melted butter. I had finely grated coconut but processed all the crust ingredients together as you had suggested. Exactly what it needed. I did happen to have an 8 inch square pan with a removable bottom (yes, be jealous) so it worked out great. They came out beautifully and were easy to cut. No one could believe they were Kosher for Passover. Big Raves!

  • I have two of these very tart pans!! Its a shame that more recipes do not call for them – I think that they make the most perfect sized slices. You never have to worry about the middle being unsturdy and one pan makes 6 very generous (or 8 smaller) servings, which is perfect for me. I always eyeball it (since tart fillings and crusts are usually more forgiving than pie) and if theres a little extra, make a mini tart (which I always end up scarfing for the sake of ‘testing’ it!).

    I too love Heidi Swanson, and was planning on ordering the cookbook at SOME point….and then I read this and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Two glasses of wine and a few Amazon clicks later five (5!) cookbooks arrived at my office. There is a black rice salad dish that I absolutely cannot wait to try. Thanks for being the foot in my behind to get me to order it! :)

  • marybeth

    Previous commenter Cory – says it well – you are the foot in her behind
    A few clicks ago I too succumed to Amazon – but with only two books purchased – this one and David Lebovitz’s newest . . . . . . . I just may have to call in sick next week to spend some time with them :)

  • This is a beautiful dessert to bring to someones house for dinner…gorgeous!

  • Beautiful! I’m dying to get Heidi’s cookbook, but am currently resisting due to financial iffy-ness. Soon, though, very soon. I am having wine tonight, though, so perhaps I’ll fall victim as Corey (above) did. :)

  • I have a haul of homegrown blackberries in my freezer that have been waiting for the right recipe to sacrifice themselves. I believe their day has finally come!

  • I could only find sweetened coconut, but otherwise I made the recipe as directed. I thought it was just sweet enough, though. It was really wonderful. The flavor profile was lovely with the blackberries. I’d really like to do a version with raspberries to serve when I was having girlfriends over for Heidi’s tinto de verano!

  • clb72

    I made it for our seder tonight- with blackberries. A big hit! Thanks and Happy Pesach, C

  • Grace

    Delish. Made with the 1/2 cake meal, 1/2 potato starch suggestion from Susan (#66). Crust was very light and tasty. Even some of the “I don’t like coconut” folks at the seder liked it. Another winner Deb, thanks! And thanks for turning me on to 101 Cookbooks – I’ll be visiting Heidi often.

  • Glad you finally got your cookbook. Love the tart—I’m a sucker for all treats for Passover. I want to make some Matzo Crunch now.

  • I love how Jacob was investigating the package….so cute..I think my 3 year old would probably do the same. I love how the recipe includes blueberries. I always love making seasonal recipes and since blueberries are so healthy and full of antioxidants they are perfect! Lovely photos as usual too.

  • Sorry meant to say blackberries..but I would totally try this with blueberries!

  • Deb. I ordered Heidi’s book far in advance and haven’t gotten it either. That’s what we get for being good planners, eh? This looks like a darn fine fill-in though. I must say. Looking forward to trying it; Happy spring!

  • Ina B.

    Made this for the first seder and it was the star of the passover desserts! Followed Susan #66’s advice of using half matzoh cake meal and half potato starch and the result was perfection. Love you, Smitten Kitchen!

  • Nikki

    I saw this and decided to try it over the weekend. It was fantastic. We drizzled a little dark chocolate over the top just for fun because we are those kind of people. Thanks for yet another great recipe.

  • bruce pueschel

    Re the blackberry coconut tart recipe and the blog comments about pastry texture and flavor:
    (1) For dough I used 1.25 cups matzoh cake flour, 1 stick frozen butter, 1/2 cup sweetened cocounut ground finely in food processor, (measured after grinding separately), 2 eggs, 1/4 tsp table salt, 1 tbs white sugar and combined in food processor until pastry ball formed on tops of blades (like 15 seconds max) Put in fridge for 30 mins and then rolled out and lined tart pan. Baked at 425 for 16 minutes after pricking crust with fork and slathering on egg wash to seal.

    (2)For the filling i followed the recipe but could’nt resist adding some seedless blackberry jam – about 1/4 cup. For looks, I also first put a thin layer of ground coconut on the crust before adding the blackberries.

    (3)For topping, I made a high-volume meringue of 4 egg whites, folded in the recipe-volume of sweetened cocounut (again, first ground in food processor) and 2 tbs sugar and 1/4 tsp cream of tartar.

    (4) Baked at 350 for 15 minutes until meringue nicely browned. Sprinkled with

    (5) Served warm.

    Except for the distracting flavor of the matzoh, the pastry texture was perfect and the flavors of the blackberries, coconut and meringue and pistachio great together. It is very impressive and got rave reviews at the Seder table.

  • Karen

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and the recipes are always amazing. But this one? Oh this one is SO delicious! I took your advice and put the matzo cake meal flour in the food processor with the coconut and it worked beautifully. I made it this morning and my husband loved it even more than his traditional Passover favorite – matzo caramel chocolate crunch. Thank you for making our Passover a little less “afflicted” and a little more delicious!

  • JanetH

    Thanks so much for this recipe! Tartelette had the same the same tart but without the recipe and I was bummed a bit. Just made it for Easter dessert with a few tweeks. I added a drop of almond extract to the filling and scattered bits of dark chocolate amongst the berries (raspberries). It looks beautiful and it will be a struggle to wait until tomorrow to try it! Happy Holidays!

  • Why, oh why can’t I stomach coconut. I might make it anyways and just bring it to work.

  • I stumbled across some unusual berries at my neighborhood wet market in Taiwan – mulberries! – and immediately jumped to your site to see if there were any substitutable berry recipes.

    Let me just say, if you can ever get your hands on an Asian black mulberry (because believe it or not, there are 3 types) – do THAT: macaroon top + buttery melting coconut crust + oddly welcome bitter/mellow berries is fabulous.

    **I’ve been chipping away at recipes in my tiny one-burner kitchen over here and this is one of my favorites so far.

  • Already planning this year’s blackberry picking. I freeze a lot, but this recipe will be a great use of the fresh berries. (Though I think it’ll be hard to halve the smaller wild blackberries.) Also like that you used Bob’s Red Mill coconut – we recently enjoyed the Red Mill factory tour.

  • Melissa

    Oh my goodnes these are amazing!! I’ve never had a dessert eaten up so quickly! Definitely a recipe to keep on hand – Thank you!

  • OMG my girlfriend is totally making this for me, and I’m taking photos to send to you.

  • Mike B

    Top drawer stuff! They did not last long on the “help yourself” counter at my work. One small mishap as I was shelling my unsalted pistachios; an errant husk made its way through the crushing and final applicaton process producing a wince from a lucky partaker or two.

    @Caitlin K. Oh man, post a picture of your tiny one burner kitchen!

  • I am a coconut freak and as soon as I saw the photos for this tart I new I had to make it! Thank you!!!

  • Now this is a recipe worth waiting for! I’m a big fan of coconut and berries and always have canned blackberries on hand (I think they will work great if well drained) so I will be making this today! A friend told me about your blog this weekend and I just stopped by. Great! LOVE the salted pistachios idea!

  • oh my gosh. after eyeing this for a while, i made 2 batches tonight for a bridal shower tomorrow (i used a mix of white wheat flour and almond meal). Naturally, I sampled it. Very good, yet something missing. Not quite crunchy enough; I couldn’t seem to get it all the way “done” even after a few more minutes in the oven. Then, I reread the recipe to find I forgot to prebake the crust. *DOH!* Redo!! Luckily, this recipe is a cinch!

  • Samantha

    I am a huge huge fan of SmittenKitchen and have used more of your recipes than I can count. This is my first comment ever on this site and I have to say that this recipe was unbelievably disappointing. Since you posted it just before Passover I figured that the matzo meal version would be edible – it was not. I would suggest that if you are unsure about the kosher for passover version of Passover recipe you might be a little more explicit about the version’s shortcomings. Thankfully Passover is long gone, as I am about to go make your brown sugar shorties!

  • mayaway

    Just made this today with spelt flour. A little falling apart but great flavors. I added a tiny bit of lemon zest to the finished product.

    Quick question – can you freeze the final product?

  • Delicious, this went over well at dinner and I just caught the bf eating two extra pieces. Love that it’s not too sweet.

  • Amy

    Looking for a dairy-free dessert to accommodate a guest. Might I sub in shortening? thins looks amazing.

  • amy

    so i went ahead and used earth’s balance. so good. not lacking in flavor, depth. delicious!

  • Katrina main

    It’s the beginning of blackberry season here in Hobart, Tasmania and after pruning and whippersnippering for hours, I’ve picked some and it’s in the oven with some strawberries on top for decoration. I can’t wait, it smells amazing already and anything with coconut usually ‘floats my boat’! Thanks for the recipe, Katrina

  • Sally

    This thing was incredible. I made it with a gluten-free flour mix and cherries and it blew everyone away. So yum!

  • Oh, how we loved this! I used an 8″ square, removable-bottom tart pan, made the crust in the Cuisinart (pulsed all dry ingredients to combine before adding 7 Tbs. of butter, so the unsweetened coconut — which Whole Foods carries in bins — would be finely chopped); worked great! Then I used the mostly-cleaned-out Cuisinart to combine the brown sugar, 1/4 tsp. salt (not using salted pistachios), about 1/2 tsp. almond flavoring & egg whites (may use 4 next time for a less dry texture?) before adding the coconut and pulsing a few times to chop it more finely so cuts would be “cleaner.” I took it to a dinner party and everyone loved it. Best of all, it was just so striking with the contrast of the bright green pistachios and black berries peaking through the browned peaks of macaroon. I can’t wait to make it again. So delicious and so pretty!

  • Debra

    Another hit with the family! It’s so hard to make any dessert on Passover worth eating, but this one was delicious. I made the crust from half almond meal, half finely ground matza meal, and used half coconut oil/half margarine. Subbed strawberries for blackberries. I cut them into squares before we got the to the seder and there was some falling apart of the coconut topping, which was very delicate. My aunt asked for a double batch next year (and that’s a HUGE compliment!). Thanks Deb!

  • Jen

    I just took this out of the oven and it looks and smells amazing! I used Cup 4 Cup to make it gluten free, and left off the pistachios, since all of our other desserts today have nuts in them. I happen to have a square removable bottom tart pan that I hardly ever get to use, and this looks gorgeous in it!

  • Sequoia N.

    I’ve never been a fan of coconut… but all the recipes you’ve ever put it in have inspired me! I want to take a stab at it!

  • Aenea

    This looked so good I had to try it! I made them last night and they turned out great! I actually used all-purpose flour because I did not have any of the others suggested and used a sling and it came out perfectly (I did have a real fine coconut though). I don’t usually comment, but had to say I’ve loved everything I’ve tried on Smitten Kitchen. I actually made your Rhubarb Snacking Cake twice last week. I made it for Father’s Day and liked it so much I made it again to send to my husband’s work. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes! Can’t wait to get my hands on your cookbook this fall!

  • Sabeeka

    I had lots of left over blackberries and blueberries and I didn’t want to waste them so I found this recipe as I had bookmarked it a while ago and so when the opportunity came I was more than happy. The first time I made these I over baked them a little bit but I made these again today for a party we’re throwing for my Indian friends and they turned out so delicious that my husband wants to keep them for himself and serve something else. I have already tried blueberry muffins and the strawberry cream biscuits and i loved them. I am hooked to your recipes now. Thank you so much for posting such amazing recipes!

  • Nicci

    Made these in individual cupcake pans as mini-tarts for a co*cktail party, and they are AMAZING. Doubled the recipe, needed more fruit than required, and only had salted, roasted almonds on hand so I used those instead of pistachios. Added a tiny bit of course kosher salt on the tops, and they.are.amazing.

    I do agree, however, that had I been smart enough to read the reviews before baking, I would have added more butter to the crust. I did add water, because the crust simply seemed too dry, but butter would have been a better choice.

    Brava, Deb! Amazing, as always.

  • Made this with cherries (per Heidi) for a party: big success even with the person who “doesn’t like coconut.” Another guest: “It’s just different” Thanks! (9″ round tart tin, mix of wheat & white flour, mix of (a) Turbinado & white (b) Turbinado & brown sugars, no nuts, touch of coconut extract in the filling.) Extra filling made for some squashy macaroons for me to sneak.

  • Actually, I do have an 8-inch square cake tin with a removable base, imported from Ireland at great personal expense (that is, my mother-in-law brought it with her) so that I could make a proper Christmas cake last year. So now my blackberry macaroon tart is in the oven.

    This was so simple – the hardest part was finding the unsweetened coconut; especially when it turned out I’d locked myself and the two children out of the car before going into the store. But I’m sure it’s worth it.

  • Nancy Lunn

    So fabulous,Blackberry Coconut Macaroon Tart
    I used Barley flour and browned the butter Also my store didn’t have Bob’s coconut,
    I have used it often but found it to be scratchy on my throat so I used some flaked and some moist coconut combined and ground it fine, it is so fabulous people nearly faint when it reaches their mouths.
    Can’t thank you enough for the recipe. Instead of giving the recipe out I am sending lovers to your site.
    Nancy L

  • I just used the surprise me button — never dreaming I’d come across the answer to a nagging menu question — what to make for Passover dessert. I’m smitten. Thx.

  • Mary Huang

    This recipe is not bad. I only have a 9×9 inch cake pan which I buttered lightly and placed parchment paper on. I followed Deb’s instructions/ingredients except for the blackberries. I did not have any blackberries so I used the 6 oz frozen blueberries.I did not see any problems with using the frozen berries.
    All in all, this was a quick, easy, and tasty tart. If I were to make this again, I’d probably cut down on the coconut toppings and put a little bit more blueberries. This will probably make it more moist and less coconuts.

  • What about using quinoa flour instead of matzo cake meal? Still good for passover and has a nice nutty flavor. I haven’t baked with it myself so I don’t know how it behaves.

  • Naomi

    Love this recipe – but would rather use almond, coconut or quinoa flour instead of matzoh cake meal (for Passover, obv.) what do you think?

  • Chelsea

    I made this last night for Passover, and it was wonderful. I subbed half
    Matzah cake meal and half potato starch for the flour and crust came out perfectly (and stayed as a whole tart no problem!). I could see going to mixed berry rout or adding some caramel as well. Definitely a fun change from the usual macaron, and not at all too sweet. I also used ground coconut flour in the crust instead of finely shredded coconut (and shredded in the filling).

  • Mina

    Made it twice in the last few weeks. Used 1 stick of butter, 9 ounces of blackberries, Trader Joe’s white whole wheat flour, Let’s do organic’s fine shred coconut and Turbinado sugar from Whole Foods. Superb. Thank you SK and Heidi Swanson.

  • Maria

    This recipe is enormously promising. I have my own negligence to blame, but I failed to beat the egg whites – with disastrous results!!! I know it goes without saying for any experienced cook. But perhaps you could make a tiny addition and say the whites have to be beaten? For the sake of us, the overstressed:) thank you!!!

  • deb

    Maria — The egg whites do not need to be beaten here (or I promise, I’d aways tell you).

  • Ilene

    Sorry, I’m confused. I have the same tart pan that you used, shown in the pictures. Just like you, I rarely use it, but this recipe is perfect for it. So do I use the same quantities that you have posted for this recipe or do I need to make any adjustments?

    I love your blog and use your recipes all the time, including from your book.

  • Ilene

    Sorry Deb to bother you again. I read through every comment and the head note and still don’t understand which quantities to use for the long rectangular tart pan shown in the pictures. Thanks!

  • grace

    Hi, baked this at the weekend using frozen loganberries – I was worried they might make the topping too wet as they defrosted during baking but they were fine, it just needed slightly longer to cook and I turned the oven up for the last five mins. to brown the macaroon – made a great bake. Thanks for the recipe

  • deb

    Apologies for the confusion about the tart pan I used. I mentioned in the headnotes that I used a different size than I recommend (because the size I used is very un-standard) and how I’d recommend you adjust it:

    “I ended using 2/3 of the crust recipe and 3/4 of the filling (2/3, which would have been correct, seemed like too much of a headache with 4 egg whites) to fill a 13.75×4.25-inch tart pan I have (but never use, because no standard recipes work in it!). Instead of suggesting pan sizes you probably don’t have, I’ve done what I should have from the get-go and scaled the whole recipe to 3/4 of the original volume which should nicely fit in a 9-inch round tart pan (with removable bottom) or an 8-inch square cake pan with the understanding that the first bar will probably not come out cleanly! Unless you have an 8-inch square cake pan with a springform or removable bottom, in which case, I’m jealous of how well supplied your kitchen is!”

  • Ilene

    So are you saying that the quantities listed are already scaled down such that it works for the rectangular pan (13.75 x 4.25), 9-inch round or 8-inch square pan? Sorry I’m not usually this dense!

  • Ilene

    Sorry to bother you again. I’m assuming the quantities listed for the recipe above are for the 9-inch round tart pan or 8-inch square pan. So if I want to use my 13.75 x 4.25 inch tart pan, then I need to do the math for 2/3 recipe for crust and 3/4 recipe for filling for the ingredients quantities listed in your recipe. However, you wrote that you did 3/4 recipe for the filling because it would have been a headache to do 2/3 with 4 egg whites. However, you have 3 egg whites listed in the ingredients list for the recipe above. So I’m thinking that 2/3 would have been fine! So is there supposed to be 4 egg whites listed for the filling recipe? Sorry I’m confused. I’m an engineer…

  • Karen Vedder

    What’s wrong with me? Leaving for a potluck in one hour and I am in charge of the celebration dessert. All I have is a pan of basically crumbs. These “bars” fall apart when I look at them. I could stop at the store for ice cream; but I think hand out spoons and “Let them eat crumbs!” is probably the better approach. I almost never ever have a SK failure. . . so many good recipes; but unless there is a clear answer, I won’t be making this again. One question: you rejected the parchment paper sling; however the directions call for parchment paper in the 8″ square pan I used. One saving grace: the crumbs taste good!

  • Monica Zimmerman

    Could this be assembled and fully baked a day ahead or is it best the day it’s made?

  • Ellen Chasen

    This recipe was so disappointing. First I’m not sure if the author even made it with the pans she suggested because it will not fit in a 9″ tart pan. I had to take the crust out and start over using a 10″ pan. It looked pretty enough when done but as another reviewer suggested when you cut it the crust falls apart and it is terribly dry. I anticipated this and luckily made a berry sauce to garnish it with because otherwise it would have been terrible. I love some Smitten Kitchen recipes (especially the Brisket) but this was a failure :(.

    1. Ellen Chasen

      PS I made the Passover version.

  • Kelly

    This recipe has been tempting me for awhile, so finally gave it a go this Passover. It turned out really well and held together nicely, so, in case it helps anyone else, here’s what I did:

    1) Took Deb’s advice and pulsed the shortbread dry ingredients in the food processor. Especially with the matzoh meal and the coconut (I didn’t have extra fine), I think that this step was really important. May not matter if you aren’t using matzoh meal though.

    2) Added about a tablespoon more of melted butter (also as Deb recommended). Texture didn’t feel quite right without it and matzoh meal just soaks up everything, so that extra tablespoon was needed.

    3) Pressed the crust down pretty firmly and checking to make sure that it was evenly pushed down. Once cooked, I cooled this layer completely before adding the toppings.

    4) I drained some of the extra moisture out of the berries before putting them on. This might not have been necessary, but given how wet the fruit is, I thought that the juice might be a culprit in the shortbread falling apart. Didn’t do anything extreme, just put the cut fruit on a few layers of paper towels for about 15 minutes to soak up the obvious excess.

    That’s it! It kept perfectly together! The only difficulty that I had with it was my own stupidity. For some reason, when reading about the stirring together the egg whites, coconut, and sugar, I thought it was meant to be more of a macaroon layer that you would dollop (more similar to how you make the layers in the chocolate-hazelnut macaroon torte on this site). Eventually, I realized that I was making things way more complicated then they were supposed to be, and I just mixed them all together as instructed!

  • Guy Bakes

    I took this recipe and melded it with a NZ Coloniazl recipe for Louise Cake. Basically the base is different in that it has 2 egg yolks, some lemon juice and baking powder. Have made this using both Black berries and Logan berries, both worked well,

  • Rebecca Lee

    Hi. The beautiful picture is inspiring me to buy that tart pan but then you go on to say you scaled the recipe to fit different pans. So, the pan shown is not suitable now? Also, you speak of macaroon like filling. Do I need to whip the egg whites up or anything? Thanks. Rebecca

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  • Susanne Strimling

    As blackberries are available now – this was delicious – thanks for this recipe.

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  • Bannon Dog

    I made this with blueberries (because I had a lot) and whole wheat flour. It was delicious!!

  • blackberry and coconut macaroon tart (2024)


    What is the hardest part about making macarons? ›

    For many people, including myself, the macaronage is the most challenging step in making macarons. Macaronage is the technique where you continue folding the mixture past full incorporation until you've achieved the perfect consistency.

    What's the difference between macaroons and coconut macaroons? ›

    Macaroons are larger, denser and chewier that macarons, and definitely easier to make. Coconut macaroons are flavored with sugar and vanilla, but their main flavor is the coconut itself.

    What makes macarons chewy? ›

    Once you've filled the macarons, the moisture from the filling seeps into the shells. This is what gives macarons that deliciously chewy texture. It also helps fill that little air gap!

    Why is macaron so hard to make? ›

    Macarons are notoriously finicky. Beat your egg whites too little or too much and you're left with flat macarons. Fold in your powdered sugar and almond flour a few too many times and the tops crack. Even a rainy day (something completely out of your control) can ruin them.

    What are the biggest mistakes when making macarons? ›

    Remember: even the most proficient of home chefs may need to practice their macaron recipe a few times before perfection ensues!
    • Undermixing or overmixing your batter. ...
    • Making the wrong type of meringue. ...
    • Not sifting your sugar and flour. ...
    • Not tapping the pan. ...
    • Not resting the macarons before baking.
    Mar 3, 2024

    What causes macarons to fail? ›

    Cracked shells were the first issue I ran into when I started baking macarons. A few different things can cause cracked shells, including too short of a rest, trapped air bubbles, too hot of an oven, or under-mixed batter.

    What is the secret to good macarons? ›

    7 Tips for Making the Perfect Macarons
    • Accurately Weigh & Measure Your Ingredients. ...
    • Check Your Batter's Consistency. ...
    • Sift and Mix Dry Ingredients. ...
    • Invest in a Macaron Mat. ...
    • Avoid Liquids for Coloring. ...
    • Whisk Your Egg Whites Well. ...
    • Wait Before the Oven. ...
    • Taste Perfection Before You DIY, at Chelles Macarons.
    Jun 25, 2021

    What are the faults in macaron? ›

    5 Common Problems When Making French Macarons
    • 5 Common Problems When Making French Macarons. Macarons are perhaps one of the most treasured desserts in France. ...
    • Air bubbles. ...
    • Shells easily develop cracks. ...
    • Macarons don't have feet or frill. ...
    • Shells are wrinkled and flat. ...
    • Uneven feet. ...
    • About Macaron Queen.
    Aug 23, 2021

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    Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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    Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.