Ten Minute Microwave Caramels (2024)


TEN MINUTE MICROWAVE CARAMELS — Delicious, chewy caramels made in 10 minutes or less in your microwave oven!

Ten Minute Microwave Caramels (1)

Believe me, I was very skeptical about making caramels in the microwave. So skeptical that I tested this recipe for Ten Minute Microwave Caramels several times before posting it here.

Let me tell you, the fact that it actually works, and you can make delicious chewy caramel in under 10 minutes, is very dangerous for a caramel lover like me.

This is the best recipe I’ve ever seen and it makes delicious caramels!! I’m 14 and if I can follow directions like these and make them taste perfect, you can too!!!

They even said I needed to open my own caramel bakery. Thanks for this recipe!! ~ Sweet Queen

Just a few tips: first, it should be noted that this recipe is for making caramels in an 1100 watt microwave oven, but chances are, that’s what you’ve got. To prevent grainy caramels,take careto scrape the sides of the bowl well during the stirring process.

Every microwave is a little different, so you may have to increaseor decrease the cooking time by 15 seconds or so to get the caramels just the way you’d like them.

The original recipe called for 2 cooking times of 3 1/2 minutes each, but I found that my caramels were too hard after cooking that long. Three minutes 10 seconds each time gave me the perfectchewy consistency.

Ten Minute Microwave Caramels (2)

If you prefer a very soft caramel, you may want to decreasethe cooking time to 3 minutes for each cooking period.But even if your first batch comesout a bit hard ora bit soft, the result willstill be delicious!

Update: Since moving to a new home with a new microwave, I now do 2cooking times of 3 minutes 5 seconds each.

Made these this week and they are amazing. Try sprinkling a little kosher salt on the top of them once you pour them in the pan. Delish! ~ Angela

If you’d like to add chopped nuts, stir those in along with the vanilla.You can also add a sprinkling of sea salt once you’ve poured the caramel mixture into the pan.

For a really decadent treat, try dipping the finished caramels in chocolate.

The best thing of all though, is that you can have caramels in a matter of minutes, without spending 30 minutes stirring over a hot stove-top with one eye always on a candy thermometer!


Made these tonight and wow am I amazed. They are wonderful. I cooked them for 3 min and 5 seconds and they came out soft and chewy. Wrap individual pieces in wax paper and had to open one to see if it stuck to the paper. They did not! Thanks for sharing your recipe. You have made this southern girl smile. ~ Karon

Awesome…love it…had to make 2 batches in 3 days so everyone got a share to take home. THANK YOU. ~ Nancy

Made these yesterday and they are a hit!! ~ Anthony

These were absolutely wonderful and so easy to make. Thank you for sharing! ~ Julie

Be sure to save this Ten Minute Microwave Caramels recipe to your favorite Pinterest board for later.

Ten Minute Microwave Caramels (3)

Here’s what you’ll need to make Ten Minute Microwave Caramels

  • Butter
  • Corn syrup
  • Brown sugar
  • Sugar
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Vanilla

Ten Minute Microwave Caramels

Delicious, chewy caramels made in 10 minutes or less in your microwave oven!

4.50 from 201 votes

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Course: Candy

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 4 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 6 minutes minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 2 dozen

Calories: 106kcal

Author: Danelle


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  • Butter an 8-inch square pan, or for thicker caramels, a 9x5 inch loaf pan. If you like, you can then line the buttered pan with foil and butter the foil.

  • Melt butter in a large microwaveable bowl (microwave for about 1 minute).

  • Stir in the corn syrup, both sugars and sweetened condensed milk. Continue stirring until most of the sugar is dissolved.

  • Microwave on high for 3 minutes and 5 to 15 seconds. ( I recommend starting with the shorter time of 3 minutes 5 seconds, since I'd rather have my caramels too soft than too hard). Remove from microwave and stir and scrape down the sides of the bowl.

  • Return to microwave and cook on high for another 3 minutes and 5 to 15 seconds. Stir in the vanilla. Pour immediately into the buttered dish.

  • Allow to sit for several hours until cooled and set. Cut into squares and wrap in waxed paper.



Two cooking times of 3 minutes each (6 minutes total) should give you a caramel that is quite soft. Three minutes and 10-15 seconds each time should give you a slightly firmer caramel, but it all depends on your microwave. I recommend erring on the side of softer caramels and starting with a shorter cooking time until you figure out your own microwave.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 106kcal | Carbohydrates: 17g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 12mg | Sodium: 44mg | Sugar: 17g

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Who Dished It Up First:Adapted from That’s Some Good Cookin’.

Last Updated on 2024-03-22 by Glen McCollum

Ten Minute Microwave Caramels (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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