What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption? · ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (2024)

What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption?· ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (1)

What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption?

F. Betül DurakRutgers University

Thomas M. DuBuissonGalois, Inc.

David CashRutgers University

ABSTRACTThe security of order-revealing encryption (ORE) has beenunclear since its invention. Dataset characteristics for whichORE is especially insecure have been identified, such as smallmessage spaces and low-entropy distributions. On the otherhand, properties like one-wayness on uniformly-distributeddatasets have been proved for ORE constructions.

This work shows that more plaintext information can beextracted from ORE ciphertexts than was previously thought.We identify two issues: First, we show that when multi-ple columns of correlated data are encrypted with ORE,attacks can use the encrypted columns together to revealmore information than prior attacks could extract from thecolumns individually. Second, we apply known attacks, anddevelop new attacks, to show that the leakage of concreteORE schemes on non-uniform data leads to more accurateplaintext recovery than is suggested by the security theoremswhich only dealt with uniform inputs.

Keywordsdatabase encryption; order-revealing encryption; inferenceattacks

1. INTRODUCTIONProperty-preserving encryption (PPE) encrypts data so

that certain functions of plaintexts are computable from ci-phertexts by someone without the key. PPE flavors includesearchable encryption [16] for text searching, determinis-tic encryption (where one can detect if two plaintexts areequal), and order-revealing encryption (ORE) [2, 4], whereone can detect the order of two plaintexts without decrypt-ing. PPE generally achieves weaker security than traditionalencryption because it inherently leaks information aboutplaintexts. On the other hand PPE has enabled efficientencrypted database applications [15, 8, 1, 3].

This work considers the security of ORE. An ORE schemeis an encryption algorithm E that takes numbers from somedomain as input, and such that, given two ciphertexts EK(x),

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CCS ’16, October 24–28, 2016, Vienna, Austria.c© 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.

ISBN 978-1-4503-4139-4/16/10. . . $15.00

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2976749.2978379

EK(y), anyone can tell if x < y without knowing K. ORE isuseful for encrypting columns in a database table whilst stillallowing range queries: To issue a query for the range (a, b)one encrypts a and b and sends the ciphertexts. The servercan then find all rows with values between the encryptedendpoints in sublinear time.

ORE security. Starting with the work of Boldyreva etal. [4], ORE schemes have been proved secure with respectto mostly incomparable definitions. The strongest, whichwe will call ideal ORE, requires that only the order of ci-phertexts can be learned by the adversary. Known idealORE constructions require heavy theoretical tools [6] or in-teractive protocols [15, 11, 10]. Other work [4, 5, 7] gaveefficient, non-interactive constructions that achieve weakersecurity. Specifically, ideal security is relaxed to require thatan adversary learn only the plaintext information containedin a leakage profile, which varies according to the construc-tion.

Theoretical properties, like one-wayness, were identifiedfor some definitions and used to compare leakage profiles.The proofs of one-wayness for ORE assume that data areuniform over some space, but this does not appear to be thecase in any application we could think of. Thus it is notclear what the proofs imply about ORE in practice.

Further complicating the situation is the nature of theleakage profiles, which (depending on the construction) in-cludes plaintext bits or statistics about plaintexts. The be-haviour of leakage profiles on non-uniform data has not beenexplored either empirically or theoretically, making it diffi-cult for practitioners to make informed decisions regardingdeploying and configuring ORE.

A recent work of Naveed, Kamara, and Wright [13] initi-ated the empirical study of ideal ORE security via messagerecovery attacks against columns of real medical databasesencrypted with ORE. Their attacks apply to any ORE thatreveals the order and equality of plaintexts, including idealORE and any of the less-secure versions. They showed thatORE constructions are insecure when the entire plaintextspace of a column is encrypted, and also gave attacks thatused frequency statistics of plaintexts (from training data) toguess plaintext messages effectively. Moreover, they foundthat several columns of medical data were susceptible totheir attacks.

The Naveed et al. attacks did not take advantage of theadditional leakage that is present in all efficient construc-tions. Thus, their work gives an upper bound on the secu-rity of ORE, but leaves open the possibility that strongerattacks exist against the weaker constructions.

What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption?· ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (2)

1.1 Our contributionsThis paper presents a collection of observations, experi-

ments, and attacks dealing with the use of ORE on datathat will be encountered in practice. We point out over-looked properties of leakage profiles, perform experimentsto measure the security of ORE against known attacks buton non-uniform data, and give new attacks showing thatORE is less secure than theory indicated.

Inter-column correlation-based attacks. In a databasetable with multiple columns, PPE-based systems [15, 8] useORE to encrypt each column independently under differentkeys. Using a different key for each column prevents directcomparison of ciphertexts across columns, thus leaking lessinformation.

The first part of this work investigates the security of idealORE on multiple columns. We observe that columns ofdata in a table are usually correlated because a row of a ta-ble usually corresponds to an individual record. This opensup a new avenue for attack, where an attacker attempts toextract information from multiple columns simultaneouslyrather than from the columns individually.

We study the effect of correlation using simple multi-column versions of attacks by [13] on ideal ORE. We analyzeour attacks using visualizations and measurements of theattack accuracy on geographic datasets (described below)where latitude and longitude were correlated. We show thatthe rough shape of the geographic distributions is present inthe ciphertext leakage, and also measure how accurately theplaintexts can be estimated by an adversary who knows abounding box for the plaintexts.

In the course of our analysis, we advocate for a more gen-eral interpretation of attack success: Whereas Naveed etal. measured the fraction of plaintexts recovered exactly, weinstead consider approximate recovery of plaintexts. Thisalso allows us to consider datasets where values never re-peat, meaning they have trivial frequency information thatis not useful for the attacks of [13].

Evaluating concrete leakage profiles. We observed thatwhen data in a column are not uniformly random and in-dependent, the one-wayness proofs by [5, 7] do not apply.Thus, in practice, the information leaked by these construc-tions may be greater than the theorems suggest.

We show that non-uniformity of data does more than tech-nically violate the assumptions of the theorems. We startby measuring the amount of information that can be di-rectly inferred from leakage profiles of existing ORE con-structions on different types of data, including synthetic andreal location datasets and timestamps for mobile phone us-age. This measurement consists of running simple attacks,and in some cases composing them, to produce guesses ofplaintexts which are then evaluated for accuracy dependingon the context.

We found that the security gap predicted by one-waynesstheorems was not always present on real data. Concretely,we consider the construction of Chenette et al. [7], which wasproved to be one-way in a quantitatively stronger sense thanthe prior work of Boldyreva et al. [4, 5]. But by simulatingthe Chenette et al. and Boldyreva et al. leakage profiles ona real dataset of 2000 latitude-longitude pairs, we found thatessentially the same number of plaintext bits (about 50%)were explicitly leaked by both schemes. On larger datasetsChenette et al. may leak even more.

We took a closer look at the Boldyreva et al. scheme [5].Theoretical results [4] suggested that this construction“leaksthe most-significant half of the plaintext bits,”but our exper-iments showed that this conclusion was too generous: Simpleattacks recover more. Specifically, that construction appearsto leak all of the leading zeros or ones of a message, plus themost significant half of the bits after the leading one (orzero). So, for example, an encryption of the zero messagecan usually be recognized exactly. The contrast with thetheoretical result is explained because messages with manyleading zeros or ones are unlikely to occur at random.

We additionally noticed that the Boldyreva et al. schemeoften leaks these plaintext bits in the clear. Previously itwas observed [5] that these bits could be inferred via com-putation, but in fact, one can simply glance at ciphertexts.

Inter+Intra-column correlation-based attack. Ourresults above show that the Chenette et al. construction canleak the same number of bits as Boldyreve et al., despite theone-wayness gap. We go further in attacking the Chenetteet al. construction, showing how to infer additional plain-text bits beyond those explicitly leaked. Our attack exploitsboth inter- and intra-column correlations. The attack usesthe observation that location datasets tend to cluster, so af-ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to fitthis tendency.

Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction wasable to predict almost every point in a location dataset ofCalifornia road intersections to within 5km (and most towithin 0.5km), while the leakage profile did not explicitlyleak the location of any plaintext to within less than 400 km.We note that our quantitative claim depends on the attackerdetermining the two most significant bits of the longitudesby hand, since the ORE construction did not leak these ex-plicitly. (This amounts to putting a California-shaped blobof points in one of four possible places on the globe.)

We performed a similar experiment with timestamps of anindividual’s mobile phone usage, showing that most of theperiods of time between usages could be estimated to withinone hour.

Chenette et al. recommended that their construction becombined with the Boldyreva et al. construction. We showthat our attack performs essentially as well against this ver-sion, calling into question whether the increased complexityand computation of a combined scheme is justified.

Additional observations. We revisit the security pro-vided by modular ORE (MORE), an enhancement to OREsuggested by Boldyreva et al. [5], and developed further byMavroforakis et al. [12]. MORE applies an additive maskto the input before encrypting, which provably hides infor-mation when messages are uniform. But, when the data arenot uniform, the proof does not apply. In fact, we show thatthe additive mask is likely easy to remove in practice, byvisualizing MORE applied to the geographic data used byMavroforakis et al.

Conclusions and recommendations. This work showsthat the conclusions of one-wayness theorems about OREsecurity should not be assumed to hold on real data. Butin practice we expect attacks to recover even more informa-tion than our experiments did. Our datasets are relativelysmall, and leakage gets worse as the dataset grows. In thispaper, we highlight the performance of attacks on specificdatasets, but these numbers should not be taken as “typical”

What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption?· ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (3)

numbers to inform deployment decisions. This is especiallytrue because the relationship between the semantics of dataand its encoding will affect the attacks. Instead, we rec-ommend that one run our attacks, which are all simple toimplement and ran in a few minutes on our datasets, on testdata (similar to production data for the intended use-case)before using ORE.

Some of the work in this paper grew out of exactly thisapproach, where the authors were considering ORE to storepersonal location histories. While we could not quantifythe attacks theoretically, the plots in Figure 3 convincedus that ORE provide inadequate security, especially againstadversaries with side information on the individual.

Paper organization. In the remainder of this section wereview related work. In Section 2, we recall notation, se-curity definitions, and prior attacks on ORE. In Sections 3and 4, we present our attacks on ideal and leaky-ORE re-spectively.

Related work. ORE was first introduced by Agrawal etal. [2] and formalized by Boldreva et al. [4, 5] as a symmet-ric, deterministic, and stateless encryption scheme. Otherworks [15, 11, 10] constructed interactive protocols whichachieve a functionality similar to ORE, whilst only leakingorder (or less). Recently [6] constructed ideal ORE usingmultilinear maps, and their constructions is much less effi-cient than non-ideal, blockcipher-based, constructions.

In a recent work, Naveed et al.[13] explored inference at-tacks on PPE-based EDB systems. Portions of their worktarget the ORE- and deterministically encrypted columns,and we review the ORE-relevant part of their work below.

An independent and concurrent work by Grubbs, Sekniqi,Bindshaedler, Naveed, and Ristenpart [9] gives improved at-tacks against both ideal and leaky ORE. Their work intro-duces a new bipartite graph framework, and uses dynamicprogramming algorithms in their framework to give attackseffective beyond the dense domains attacked by Naveed etal. Their results include exact recovery of customer recorddata such as names and ZIP codes (often recovering nearlyevery plaintext from a dataset). Like our work, they exploitthe additional leakage exposed by certain OPE and OREschemes, but their inference attacks primarily target plain-text recovery in settings where training data are available.Along with our work, these constitute the first empiricalanalysis of leaky ORE.

2. PRELIMINARIESDataset formalization and notation. We formalize acolumn as a vector d over some ordered plaintext space.Depending on the context, the plaintext space will be a set offixed-length bitstrings, or set of positive integers {0, 1, . . . ,M}.

Given a bitstring x ∈ {0, 1}n and positive integer k, wedefine x � k to be the right shift of x by k bits, where theleftmost bits are not padded (so 0110� 2 is 01).

2.1 Order-revealing encryptionAn ORE scheme consists of three algorithms Π = (K, E , C)

for key generation, encryption, and comparison respectively.The key generation algorithm outputs a key k, and theencryption algorithm may be randomized, takes an inputmessage m from an associated ordered plaintext space, andemits a ciphertext c. The comparison algorithm takes two

ciphertexts c0, c1 as input and outputs a bit b indicating thatthe message in cb is larger (or ⊥ if the messages are equal).When the algorithm C is a canonical numerical comparisonoperator, the scheme is called an order preserving encryp-tion (OPE) scheme, though this distinction is not relevantfor our attacks.

Security of ORE. We follow Chenette et al. [7] in definingORE security with a parameter called a leakage profile L.Formally, L can be any function on vectors of messages. In-tuitively, an ORE scheme must leak the order of the plain-texts, but it may also be allowed to leak more, namely Lapplied to the messages. The formal definition requires thatan adversary cannot win a game requiring it to computemore information than is output by L. We proceed infor-mally since our attacks do not depend on the details of thedefinition, but rather only on the leakage profile.

Five leakage profiles have been considered in the litera-ture. We term them Ideal,ROPF,MSDB,RtM,MtR.The first two were introduced by Boldyreva et al. [4], whoconstruct an ROPF-secure ORE. Later, Boldyreva et al. [5]proved that ROPF-security requires an ORE to roughly re-veal half the plaintext bits. Later, Chenette et al [7] definedprofiles MSDB,RtM,MtR, built ORE achieving them,and proved a result showing that these profiles leak fewerbits on uniform data. We review them in more detail now.

Ideal. The ideal leakage profile only reveals the order ofthe ciphertexts. This profile for instance hides any statis-tical information about the gaps between messages. Theprofile is achievable using (currently impractical) theoret-ical tools [6]. Ideal security is also achieved by interactivevariants of ORE where encryption is a protocol between twoparties [14, 11, 10]. We consider these protocols in-scope forthis work, and will treat them as ORE. We note that [10]actually achieves stronger-than-ideal security by hiding thefrequency of plaintexts in the column. Some of our attackswill still apply to this construction.

ROPF. The random order-preserving function profile [4] isdefined with respect to a plaintext space and range. Givena column of data d with n cells, the leakage profile chooses arandom order-preserving function f from the plaintext spaceto the range, and outputs f(d[1]), . . . , f(d[n]), i.e. the func-tion applied component-wise to the dataset.

The ROPF profile was later shown to reveal approxi-mately the most-significant half of the plaintext bits [5] ofa random message, and also to hide roughly the other half.The selection of the range set is a parameter to be set whenconfiguring the instantiation.

MSDB. The most-significant-differing bit profile [7], on acolumn d with n entries, will output the order of the plain-texts in d along with, for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, a number diffi,j

that indicates the index of the most significant bit where theplaintexts d[i] and d[j] differ, along with their bits at thatposition. Equivalently, diffi,j is the length of the longestcommon prefix of d[i] and d[j], plus one.

For example, if the plaintexts are 0000, 0001, 1000, theMSDB profile would allow one to infer the first bit of allthree plaintexts, and the last bit of the first two plaintexts,along with equality of appropriate prefixes. For this exam-ple, an adversary would learn that the plaintexts must be ofthe form 0uw0, 0uw1, 1xyz, where u,w, x, y, z are variablesfor bits that are not explicitly leaked.

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RtM and MtR. We consider two more profiles that are in-duced by composing multiple ORE schemes as suggested byChenette et al. [7]. The first, RtM, is induced by first apply-ing the leakage profile ROPF to get a vector (f(d[1]), . . . ,f(d(n))), and then applying MSDB to this vector (treat-ing it as if it were a plaintext). That is, the profile leaksthe index of the most significant differing bit of f(d[i]) andf(d[j]) for each i < j.

The profile MtR will be scheme-dependent. The schemeis defined by composing some MSDB-secure OPE schemewith an ROPF-secure ORE scheme. The leakage is definedby the output of the composed scheme. Note that we mustassume that the MSDB scheme here is OPE, not just ORE,in order to define the compare algorithm for this version.

The two profiles MtR,RtM were originally introducedwithout distinction, but we observe that they provide for-mally different security.

2.2 Theoretical results on leakage profilesOne-wayness of ROPF. Boldyreva et al. [5] introducedthe notion of window-one-wayness (WOW) for ORE. AnORE is L-WOW if given EK(xi) for several uniformly ran-dom strings xi ∈ {0, 1}m, it is infeasible to determine aninterval of size L containing some xi. To make our experi-ments easier to compare, we consider an alternative versionthat we call `-bit-WOW, which says that it should be infea-sible to compute the `-bit prefix of some xi.

Boldyreva et al. [5] also proved that any ROPF-secureORE with plaintext space {0, 1}m is L-WOW secure for L

approximately 2m/2, meaning that it is hard to compute thelower m/2 bits of a uniformly random plaintext.

One-wayness of MSDB. Chenette et al. [7] proved thatMSDB-secure OREs have stronger WOW security. Thatwork proved `-bit-WOW security for MSDB schemes, fora much smaller ` of about ` ≈ 1/ log ε, where ε is the de-sired bound on the success probability of the adversary. (Asmaller ` means the result is stronger, and it is hard to guesseven a smaller prefix of the plaintext.) A closely matchingattack against `-bit-WOW of MSDB is almost immediate,as one can show that the MSDB leakage profile will provideroughly this many bits of a plaintext prefix.

Security of RtM and MtR. Composed ORE schemeswere suggested in [7] to combine the security of ROPF andMSDB. It was proved that the composition of individualOREs will result in a construction that inherits both securitynotions. We remark that this is only a lower bound on thequality of security achieved, and that the composition maybe strictly more secure than ROPF or MSDB.

2.3 Attacks on leakage profilesScaling attack against ROPF. Boldyreva et al. [5] intro-duced what we term the scaling attack and denote ScalingAtkagainst the WOW security of an ROPF. It works as fol-lows. To attack an ORE with plaintext space {0, . . . ,M}and range {0, . . . , N}, one maps a ciphertext y for an un-known plaintext x to x′ = dyM/(N + 1)e. It was proved

that this estimate will satisfy |x − x′| < 8√M with high

probability.We observe that when M = 2m and N = 2n are powers

of two, this can be approximated by a simple bitshift: x′ ≈y � (n − m) i.e. the right-shift of y until it is the same

bit-length as a plaintext. The estimate for these parametersbecomes |x − x′| < 2m/2+3, now implies that for most x,about the upper half of the bits of x′ will match those of x.We omit a formal analysis of the variation due to high-orderbit rollovers.

Sort attack against Ideal. Recent work by Naveed et al.gave attacks on Ideal-secure ORE schemes (and thus on allof the other profiles except that of [10]). The first was thesort attack, denoted SortAtk below, which we recall in detailfor use later. The attack assumes knowledge of a plaintextspace that we identify with {1, 2, . . . ,M}, and attempts toguess the plaintexts used to generate a vector of ciphertextsc that it takes as input. The attack sorts the vector c (usingthe ORE comparison algorithm), and then guesses that thesmallest unique ciphertext corresponds to 1, that the secondsmallest ciphertext corresponds to 2, and so on. Formally,it is defined as follows. Let c1, c2, . . . be the ciphertexts inc in sorted order. SortAtk(c) outputs a mapping α fromciphertexts to {1, . . . ,M}, where

α(c) =

{i if c ∈ c, c = ci

⊥ otherwise.

The sort attack was shown to correctly invert a large fractionof ciphertexts in a simulated attack. However, it requiredthat the plaintexts were“dense” in the message space, mean-ing that almost all possible plaintexts in {1, . . . ,M} are en-crypted in c. This was true for several columns in certainhospital databases, like age (years), length-of-stay (0-365),and others.

Cumulative attack against Ideal. Naveed et al. gavea second attack, called the cumulative attack and denotedCumulativeAtk that works when plaintexts are not dense inthe message space. This attack also takes as input a vectorof ciphertexts c, but additionally requires a training vectorz of data which should be drawn from the same distributionas the plaintexts in c.

The cumulative attack outputs a map α from ciphertextsin c to plaintexts in z. The map α is computed via a lin-ear program that minimizes the error in frequencies and inthe cumulative distribution (i.e., the fraction of plaintextsless than a given plaintext in z versus c). We omit furtherdetails, but we note that the training input z is essentialfor two reasons: First, the map α will only output plain-texts in z, and thus if a plaintext has not been seen, thenCumulativeAtk(c, z) will never guess it. Second, the guessesare entirely dependent on using z as a “typical” distributionwith frequencies that correspond to the target data.

Other attacks. It was observed by Boldreva et al. [4] thatchosen plaintext attacks allowed the easy extraction of plain-texts. This, and attacks that observe queries, are not consid-ered in this work but are likely to further diminish securityin practice.

2.4 Datasets and implementationWe use two real geographic datasets Cal, SpitzLoc, one

synthetic geographic distribution Globe, and one real time-stamp dataset SpitzTime.

The dataset Cal represents the latitude and longitude ofabout 21,000 intersections in the California road network1

1Dataset obtained from http://www.cs.utah.edu/˜lifeifei/SpatialDataset.htm

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(also used by Mavroforakis et al. [12] in their ORE work).Latitudes are numbers between −90 and 90 and longitudeare numbers between −180 and 180, both given to six dec-imal digits. Encoding latitude requires dlog2(180)e = 28bits, and similarly longitude requires 29 bits. We encode agiven latitude x as 106(x + 90)/180 in binary, and a longi-tude y as 106(x + 180)/360 in binary. The latitudes wereall between 32.541302 and 42.017231, and longitudes werebetween −124.389343 and −114.294258.

The dataset SpitzLoc consists of latitude and longitudecoordinates tracking the movement of German Green partypolitician Malte Spitz over six months. The dataset recordsthe location of towers used for voice calls and text messages,as well as times (which we used for the SpitzTime datasetbelow). The data were provided by Deutsche Telecom andposted publicly as an example of highly sensitive informa-tion recorded by service providers2. The dataset consists ofabout 36,000 rows, with many locations missing. We ex-tracted from this 1,477 non-repeating (latitude, longitude)pairs in Germany that we call SpitzLoc. The points wereavailable to 8 decimal digits of accuracy, but we encodedthem as 28 and 29 bit-long strings as in Cal.

The SpitzTime dataset consists of 30,492 time-stampsrepresented as seconds from an epoch of January 1, 2000.The actual range is between 2009-08-31 to 2010-02-27 andmostly daylight hours. Concretely, the timestamps were in-teger values between 305,020,620 and 320,629,560.

Finally, we selected a distribution Globe to represent thelatitude and longitude of a uniformly random point on Earth.We encode the points as bitstrings of length 32, using thesame method as before. We chose this distribution becauseit does not result in uniform samples of pairs from {0, 1}32,but it may model the distribution of some datasets.

All experiments were performed on recent Mac laptops.Our experiments were written in Python and used the ROPFimplementation from CryptDB. The other leakage profilescould be simulated exactly without full implementations.

3. INTER-COLUMN CORRELATIONThe sort- and cumulative-attacks [13] showed that the ci-

phertexts (produced with Ideal-secure ORE that only leaksorder and frequency) in an individual encrypted columncould sometimes be inverted, but required at least one ofthe following conditions to be met:

• The plaintext data present in the column isdense inthe plaintext space, meaning that most or all of thepossible plaintext values appear at least once.

• The plaintext data has low entropy, meaning most ofthe possible plaintexts appear frequently, and partic-ularly that a training set will have many plaintexts incommon with the column under attack.

We add to this another condition: When two or more en-crypted columns hold data that are correlated. We show thatinformation may be leaked even when the data in the col-umn is sparse in its domain, and when all values are unique(and without any training data), and an Ideal-secure OREis used. We call this inter-column correlation, and belowwe experiment with applying the sorting attack on multiplecolumns at once.

2The data is downloadable at http://www.zeit.de/datenschutz/malte-spitz-data-retention

2-D sort attack. We consider applying the sort attack totwo columns at once. Recall that, given a ciphertext vectorc, SortAtk(c) outputs a mapping α from ciphertexts to theset {1, . . . ,M}, where M is the number of unique ciphertextsin c.

We simply apply this attack to two columns individually.That is, we define the attack 2DimSortAtk(c1, c2) to output(α1, α2) given by αi ← SortAtk(ci) for i = 1, 2. In words,this attack is independently sorting each ciphertext vector,and emitting guesses about the plaintext vectors using thesame technique as SortAtk. Below, we argue that this attackshould be interpreted differently from the original single-column attack.

Visual example. We start with an example. In Figure 1(a), we plot an image, which is formally a set of approxi-mately 106 points in {1, . . . , 2000}2 (the black points cor-respond to points in the set). In (b), we select a randomsubset of only 300 points from the set, conditioned on noneof the coordinates repeating (that is, none of the chosenpoints have the same x or the same y value).

(a) source image (b) 300 random points

(c) sort attack output (d) sort attack with scaling

Figure 1: Visualization of the 2-D sort attack on an imagedataset encrypted with Ideal ORE.

We model the chosen subset as a dataset d = (dx,dy)consisting of a pair of columns dx and dy each with 300 cells,where each row represents the location of a black point inthe image. We selected the data in this way to ensure thatprior attacks against the two individual columns would notbe effective. Namely, since all points in each column areunique, the frequency information is trivial. Moreover, eachcolumn only consists of 300 out of 2000 possible plaintextvalues, so the columns are not dense in the plaintext space.

Despite the prior attacks failing to recover the plaintextsin d, we show that information can be recovered by consider-ing the columns together via the 2-D sort attack. The results

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of our attack are plotted in (c), where the rough features ofd are still visible.

Our multi-dimensional sorting attack does not guess anypoints correctly – The original points are in {1, . . . , 2000}but the sort attack only emits guesses in {1, . . . , 300}. Thus,by the metrics of [13], the attack does not work. But it isclear that much structure of the image is recovered, includ-ing relatively fine details like the arrangement of points fromthe penguin’s foot in the lower right. (By scaling the plot in(d) it resembles the plaintext points more strongly.)

This experiment suggests that we expand our considera-tion of the leakage of ORE in two senses. First, even whenindividual encrypted columns are useless for an adversary,the leakage from correlated encrypted columns may combineto reveal a harmful level of information, even to an adver-sary with no training data to help its analysis. Second, evenwhen an attack does not recover plaintexts correctly, it maystill be plausibly considered successful by recovering partialinformation.

3.1 Sort attack on location datasetsWe experimented with the 2-dimensional sort attack on

two location datasets: Cal and SpitzLoc (see Section 2.4for details).

Cal dataset visualization. For the Cal dataset, we se-lected a subset of 2,000 random points and ran 2DimSortAtkon the ideal leakage for that subset. In Figure 2, we plot theplaintext points and the output of 2DimSortAtk (the colorsare used to track plaintexts between the two plots). We ob-serve that the shape of California is still clearly visible, andsome features like western protrusion one third of the wayup are also visible (several other runs on random points weresimilar). Below we return to this attack and try to evaluateit quantitatively.

(a) 2,000 plaintext points (b) 2DimSortAtk output

Figure 2: Visualization of 2DimSortAtk on a subset of theCal dataset.

SpitzLoc dataset visualization. We applied 2DimSortAtkto the entire Spitz location dataset, also keeping track oftime ordering for visualization (we did not attempt to guesstimes in this part). This attack generates guesses for everylocation in the dataset, and we plotted subsets of the guessescorresponding to different periods of time in Figure 3. Weselected a specific day, week, and month to examine andjuxtaposed the guesses with the corresponding subset of theplaintext data. Consecutive guesses are connected by linesto recreate the movement history. We note that the plotsare strikingly similar in some features, while some of the

structure is lost. For instance, in the last row, movement tothe North was compressed in the top of (b.3) because fewerpoints were reported in that region.

Conclusions. The authors initially investigated the secu-rity of ORE for two projects. The first required encrypting adatabase that included locations of naval vessels, and secondconsidered encrypting personal mobile phone GPS historiesto allow for location-based queries. Our experiments aboveshowed that even the best possible leakage (Ideal) wouldstill result in a concerning loss in secrecy.

We conjecture that the security in practice may be muchworse. This is because we generated the plots above withoutany training data or side information. An attack who knowsthat Cal points are taken from California, or that SpitzLocpoints are taken from the movements of a German citizen,can use side information like the shape of the movement zoneand the distribution of cities and other points of interestwhen generating guesses at the plaintext data.

Moreover, our attacks are on relatively small amounts ofdata. For instance, a column with 2,000 rows could be down-loaded and searched locally in most scenarios, meaning thatORE may be unnecessary there. On larger datasets, suchas years of location movements, the guesses might be evenmore accurate.

3.2 Sort attack accuracy with boundsWe now consider extending the 2-D sort attack to use

the additional hint of bounds on the possible plaintexts andgenerate guesses on the plaintexts that can be quantitativelyevaluated. Concretely, we consider the following variant of2DimSortAtk, denoted Bnd2DimSortAtk. In addition to theencrypted columns (c1, c2), the attack also takes as inputpairs of numbers (a1, b1) and (a2, b2). First, it runs theoriginal 2DimSortAtk twice, to generate mappings (α1, α2)from the ciphertexts to {1, . . . ,M}. We then compose thesemappings with functions f1, f2 that evenly space the guesseswithin the given bounds, resulting in the following attack:

Bnd2DimSortAtk(c1, c2, a1, b1, a2, b2)

01 Compute (α1, α2)← 2DimSortAtk(c1, c2)

02 Define the function f1 by f1(i) := (i− 1) · b1−a1|c1|

+ a1

03 Define the function f2 by f2(i) := (i− 1) · b2−a2|c2|

+ a204 Output (f1 ◦ α1, f2 ◦ α2).

In the algorithm, |c| denotes the number of ciphertexts inthe encrypted column |c|.

Cal dataset attack with bounds. We used random sub-sets of 25, 50, ..., 2000 points from the Cal dataset to eval-uate Bnd2DimSortAtk. The results are plotted in Figure 4.In each case we gave the attack the same bounds, whichwere set to the greatest and smallest latitudes/longitudes inCalifornia (and in particular, they were not the maxes andmins over the actual subset under attack). We plotted thequality of guesses as stacked histograms in Figure 4 (eachbar reports on a different run, showing the proportion ofpoints that were guessed to within different accuracies onthat run).

The maximum error in any of the experiments was around140 km while the minimum was about 2 km. We note thatour plot reveals that the quality of guesses was not improv-ing with the number of points, which is curious because weexpected a dense set of points to reveal more ordering in-formation. The explanation (which we found via inspection

What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption?· ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (7)

(a.1) October 1 (a.2) October 1–7 (a.3) October 1–31

(b.1) Attack output on (a.1) (b.2) Attack output on (a.2) (b.3) Attack output on (a.3)

Figure 3: Visualization of subsets of the 2DimSortAtk output on the SpitzLoc dataset.

and plotting the guesses) is that bad guesses tend to staybad, even with many points, and good guesses tend to staygood. We stress however that an attack, with, say, a train-ing set of points in California could likely do much betterthan this simple attack.

Discussion. Strictly speaking, this attack is no longer ex-ploiting inter-column correlation because Bnd2DimSortAtkcould be adapted to run on individual columns, and it wouldgenerate the same guesses for the latitude and longitudecolumns independently. However we suggest it as a tech-nique for evaluating the confidentiality of Ideal ORE ongeographic data.

4. LEAKAGE-ENABLED ATTACKSThis section contains evaluations of known attacks on

ORE but with non-uniform data (sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3),showing that in some cases leakage is much worse than onuniform data. Then new attacks are presented (sections 4.4,4.5, 4.6), and we also present our observations regradingMORE (section 4.7).

4.1 MSDB on random globe pointsWe evaluated MSDB leakage on the Globe dataset. Re-

call that MSDB allows one to infer some bits explicitly butkeeps others hidden. In order to quantitatively compare theleakage to the plaintext values, we filled in all unknown bitsarbitrarily.

The accuracy of our guesses is evaluated in Figure 5. The

MSDB leakage profile tends to leak more information onlarger datasets (it is monotonic in the sense that it willnever leak less when a subset of data is included in a largerset). We note that after 600 points, we found that overhalf the points could be guessed within 10km, and the otherhalf could be guessed within 50km. Thus even on a tinydataset of random values, the geometric meaning of thisleakage (which is limited mostly to high-order bits) revealssignificant information about the dataset.

It is a fair observation that the Globe dataset is geographi-cally uniform and numerically non-uniform, which undoubt-edly impacts the quality of the attack. The same attack onnumerically uniform data, which has a geographic distribu-tion biased towards the poles, results in a slight improve-ment in mean attack accuracy without taking advantage ofthe known distribution. We did not analyze datasets withencodings that maintain numeric and geographic uniformity.

4.2 ROPF on real locationsBoldyreva et al. [5] proved that any ROPF-secure ORE

with plaintext space {0, 1}m is L-WOW (see Section 2.2)

for L ≈ 2m/2. This roughly implies that it is hard to guessmore than m/2 of the most significant bits of a randomplaintext. Their result was involved, and generalizing it toother plaintext distributions does not seem easy. Moreover,real data may not obey and distribution assumed in a proofanyway.

Thus, we instead evaluated how the ScalingAtk (see Sec-tion 2.3) performed on our datasets. We encrypted subsets

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25 500






















Size of dataset



Figure 4: Histogram of 2DimSortAtk output on subsets of 25 up to 20,000 points (non-uniform step sizes). Distances in kmfrom the correct plaintext point.

of Cal using an ROPF-secure ORE of [4], and recordedthe length of the plaintext prefix that appears in the corre-sponding ciphertext. The average number of bits preservedbetween the plaintexts and corresponding ciphers over en-tire longitude column of Cal is 15 bits out of 27. This resultmatches the theory for uniform data. Moreover, Boldyrevaet al. [5] also showed that increasing the ciphertext lengthby more than few bits beyond the plaintext length does nothave any effect on the security for uniform data. We alsoexperimented with varying ciphertext lengths, and the av-erage number of preserved bits remained around 15 bits forlarger output sizes.

We have no theoretical framework to explain how andif this experiment will generalize to other data. It seemsprudent (and easy) for practitioners to simulate this attackon test data before deployment.

4.3 ROPF on small and large messagesBoldreva et al. proved roughly that an ROPF-secure

ORE will leak half of the bits of a random input message, butnot much more, even when the output space is only one bitlonger than the input space. Here we experimentally showthat this result does not apply when encrypting messagesthat are close to the minimum and maximum elements ofthe message space. That is, for small and large messages,the Boldyreva et al. construction leaks far more.

We performed the following experiment. We fixed themessage space of the Boldyreva et al. ORE to {0, 1}64, andoutput space to be either {0, 1}65 or {0, 1}128 in two indepen-dent runs. We encrypted the plaintexts x = 20, 21, . . . , 263,to generate ciphertexts c0, c1, . . . , c63, and computed x′i ←ScalingAtk(ci) for each i. We computed the error ei ←|xi − x′i| for each i, and averaged the ei over 10 indepen-dent runs (i.e. we selected a new key each time).

Note that the largest message in our experiment is x =263, the midpoint of the message space. By symmetry, sim-

ilar results would be obtained for the large messages near264, so we did plot these results.

In Figure 6 we plot the logarithms (base 2) of the errorsei compared to i, the logarithm (base 2) of the message. Wefind that the scaling attack performs much better on smallmessages than on random messages, which can be guessedto within a distance of about 231. The ciphertext for x = 1was predicted exactly in every run. Ciphertexts up to 24

were recovered to with distance 2 on every run. The restof the guesses were much more accurate than 231, until wereach larger messages. There was no significant variationwhen we changed the output length of the cipher.

Let n be the input length. The trend is that an inputx ≈ 2i or x ≈ 2n − 2i can be predicted to within about 2i/2

accuracy. This can be stated alternatively as a new rule ofthumb: An ROPF-secure ORE leaks all of the leading zeros(or ones) of a message, and additionally the most-significanthalf of the remaining bits.

Discussion. The ROPF security result held because arandom message was unlikely to be very small or very large.But it is easily possible that one will want to encrypt largeor small values for application-dependent reasons. We sug-gest that the intuition about “leaking half the input bits” beupdated, and that caution be exercised as the leakage maybe even worse.

4.4 MSDB on real locations: The distance min-imization attack

A stronger one-wayness result was proved for the MSDBprofile. When random data are encrypted, the proof showedthat only the k most significant bits will be leaked, exceptwith probability about |d|/2k. Again, a detailed result ongeneral distributions seems difficult to derive and anywaymay not be useful in practice. Intuitively, the result followsbecause two random plaintexts will have the same k-bit pre-fix with probability 1/2k, and if this does not happen thenno bits beyond the k-th will be leaked.

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40 80 120160200240280320360400440480520560600









Size of dataset

(a) median line






40 80 120160200240280320360400440480520560600








Size of dataset


(b) histogram

Figure 5: Accuracy for MSDB leakage on random globe points.









0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64






Ciphertext size65-bit


Figure 6: Accuracy of ScalingAtk against ROPF on smallmessages.

We evaluated this profile on the Cal dataset. Since pointsare not uniformly random, the location of differing bits be-tween pairs will depend strongly on the distribution. More-over, by exploiting properties of the distribution, even morebits may be inferred, as we show below.

Intuition. We first visualize MSDB leakage on the Cal

dataset. Recall that this leakage profile explicitly leaks somebits of the plaintexts and keeps other bits hidden (see Sec-tion 2.1). In order to visualize the geometry of the leakageon Cal, we pretend that the unknown bits are the averageof their possible values – that is, instead of one or zero, theyare actually “0.5”. After filling in these values we plot theresult in Fig. 7. The large groups of points are separatedfrom the main group when a relatively high-order bit is hid-den. There are also many other low-order bits hidden, buttheir effect is harder to see. Our intuition is that the large

Figure 7: Visualization of MSDB leakage on Cal dataset.

groups are trivial to move to the correct location by hand,and thus some of the hidden bits are easy to guess.

We give an attack to automate this, called the distanceminimization attack, which is described and evaluated be-low. This attack will consider an individual encrypted col-umn, and create guesses for every plaintext bit by movingthe points to possible locations and seeing which is “closer”to the aggregate group, with the intuition being that corre-lated data will not often exhibit behavior like the irregulargroups in Fig. 7.

The attack. The attack is given in pseudocode here, anda description follows.


01 Initialize an empty guess vector g02 Foreach c[i] ∈ c03 Set g[i] ∈ {0, 1,⊥}m using MSDB leakage04 Reset g[i] ∈ {0, 1, 0.5}m by replacing ⊥ with 0.505 For j = m down to 1

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06 Foreach g[i] with j-th bit unresolved (i.e. set to 0.5)07 Try assigning j-th bit of g[i] to 0 and 108 For each setting, compute S =

∑k |g[i]− g[k]|.

09 Set j-th bit of g[i] to minimize S.

The distance minimization attack is given a column c ofciphertexts encrypted with an MSDB-secure ORE. It firstinitializes a guess vector g using MSDB leakage naively(line 03). That is, it starts with all bits unknown. Then forevery pair of ciphertexts g[i],g[j], it performs the compari-son to learn their differing bit, and then fills in that bit inthe entries of g[i] and g[j].

After this initial stage, the guesses are strings in {0, 1,⊥}m,where ⊥ represents that a bit was not leaked. The rest ofthe algorithm will assign every ⊥ entry to either zero orone. The algorithm will need to interpret the guesses g[i]as numbers, even when it has unknown bits. We will tem-porarily set g[i] to the “average” of all the possible valuesthat it could be. Concretely we convert each g[i] into a vec-tor over {0, 1, 0.5} by replacing ⊥ with 0.5. Now when weneed to consider g[i] as a number, we can compute its valueusing the binary expansion formula, but with values 0, 1, 0.5allowed as bits instead of just 0, 1.

Starting on line 05, the attack begins to resolve the 0.5entries in the guesses to either 0 or 1. It begins with themost significant bits, and considers the guesses with mostsignificant bit unknown individually. When considering theguess g[i] the attacks tries setting the unknown bit of g[i]to 0 and 1. For each setting it measures the sum of absolutedifferences between the resulting point and all of the pointsin the guess set (it is at this point that we are consideringthe guesses as numbers, to compute differences). The attackselects the bit setting that results in a smaller sum, andmoves on to the next guess.






25 50 75 10020030040050060070080090010001250150017502000










Size of dataset

Figure 8: Accuracy of DistMinAtk against MSDB on Cal.

Evaluation. We evaluated this attack on random subsetsof the Cal dataset of varying size. In Cal, the two most sig-nificant bits of longitude never change, so the attack cannotautomatically infer these bits. This is exactly the sort of in-

formation that MSDB is designed to protect, but we assertthat these can sometimes be guessed. In our setting, andattacker could run the attack without guessing these bits,notice that the shape of California appeared, and then fill inthe missing significant bits by selecting one of four possiblepositions on the globe.

We evaluated the accuracy of our algorithm assuming thetwo most significant bits of longitude were given. In Fig.8, we measure accuracy on subsets of sizes 25 to 2000. Thefigure reflects the improvement on the accuracy of guesses asthe size of the dataset grows. On a dataset of 2,000 points,the algorithm guesses 95% of the plaintexts to within 2 km,and has average error 0.6 km. We note that no locationwas leaked to within less than 400km explicitly, and theimprovement comes from the attack inferring hidden bits.

Discussion. For this particular example, leakage and cor-relation allowed accurate estimatation of essentially everyplaintext. More generally, use of any ORE scheme on anydataset that contains correlations should be viewed with ahealthy dose of caution. Limiting databases to small datasetsmight not offer meaningful protection and anyway negatesthe benefits of off-loading computation, which is a primarymotivation for ORE. Practitioners desire simple rules for de-termining if property-preserving encryption and leaks inher-ent to the selected mechanism are acceptable, but no suchrules have been proposed while examples of dangerous usescontinue to mount.

4.5 Combined attacks on MtR and RtM.In this section we consider how prior attacks can be com-

bined to extract information from the composed leakage pro-files MtR and RtM defined in Section 2.1. We start bydescribing how each can be attacked, and then evaluate theattacks.

In this section, let Er be the ROPF-secure ORE from [4]and Em be the MSDB-secure ORE from [7]. We will specifythe appropriate domains and ranges for Er, Em as neededbelow.

MtR. This profile describes the security of the followingORE scheme: It uses two random keys Km,Kr. To encrypta plaintext x, it computes

cin ← EmKm(x); cout ← ErKr(cin)

and outputs cout. Note that we have assumed that the rangeof Em is contained in the domain of Er. In order for thescheme to be correct (i.e., order-preserving) we need that Emis an OPE scheme, not just an ORE scheme, since the com-position prevents running a general comparison algorithmon cin.

Now suppose we are given a column c of ciphertexts en-crypted with the above construction. We first apply thescaling attack to each ciphertext c[i] by running y[i] ←ScalingAtk(c[i]) (see Section 2.3). According to the WOW-security results on ROPF, we expect about the most sig-nificant half of y[i] to match the bits of the correspondingMSDB-secure ciphertext produced as an intermediate ci-phertext.

Next, we simply treat the column y as ciphertexts emittedby the [7] MSDB-secure construction. We carry out all ofthe pair-wise comparisons, recording when the differing bitsare revealed in a vector of guesses g. We can then interpretthe vector g as we did when attacking MSDB alone.

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RtM. This attack simply reverses the steps, so we sketchthe important differences. The outer encryption is nowMSDB-secure, so one can compute the differing bits onthose ciphertexts to get a vector of guesses g (that will haveknown and unknown bits recorded). Then we can apply thescale attack to the entries of g (we leave the unknown bitsin place, and bit-shift the string as before). The result willissue guesses for some known bits which we can use as theattack output. We can also replace the unknown bits with0.5 as in the DistMinAtk to quantitatively approximate theplaintexts.

Selecting a combined scheme. We remark that theconstructions achieving MtR and RtM might not provideequivalent security. (The proof only shows that they achieveat least MSDB and ROPF security separately, but thecombined modes might be strictly stronger.) It was unclearwhich will be better in practice.

There is, however, an efficiency difference between the ex-isting instantiations of MtR and RtM. In [7], MSDB-secure ORE is constructed with relatively short ciphertexts(about 1.58 times the size of a plaintext), but the OPE ver-sion of their scheme has much longer ciphertexts (it expandsthe plaintext by a factor λ which corresponds to the “secu-rity parameter” and may be set to 80 or much larger). ThusRtM, which does not require the MSDB-secure part to beOPE, results in a much more efficient construction, and itis the one we evaluate below.

Evaluation. In Fig. 9 we plot the performance of the com-bined attack on RtM encryption. The results are similarto Fig. 8 so we conclude that, on this type of data, MSDBand RtM provide similar security.






50 75 10020030040050060070080090010001250150017502000










Size of dataset

Figure 9: Accuracy of DistMinAtk against RtM on Cal.

4.6 RtM on timestamp dataWe now turn to less disperse data encrypted under RtM.

We randomly draw time-stamps from the SpitzTime dataset,which are distributed over a several-month period. Our at-tack first encrypts this data using ROPF then models the

MSDB leakage. From this model we then generate ourguesses and compare these values to the plaintext data.

The analysis of time-stamp data can not be performedwith distances between the guessed and actual values as donefor the random locations. This is because the plaintexts areconcentrated in a narrow portion of the domain, resultingin all ciphertexts sharing a significant matching prefix. In-stead of a direct difference, our analysis and attack are aform of distance windowed one-wayness adversary[5]. Infor-mally, we compare the guessed distance between each pairof ciphertext (in order) with the distance between the plain-text data. More formally, for the sorted vector of guessedvalues, g, and matching plaintexts, p, the metric of interestis |(gi − gi−1)− (pi − pi−1)|.

We now describe the setup, attack, and results. First,SpitzTime data beginning times are parsed into a 32 bitnumber of seconds starting at an epoch of January 1, 2000.All data is OPE encrypted and shifted as with the scalingattack. Then the MSDB leaks are modeled and inferencesmade. Finally, we generate the guessed data set for compar-ison.

The results of the attack are shown in Fig. 10. Even forextremely small databases, many time-stamp differences areaccurately guessed to within one-hour. The vast majority ofguesses were are correct to within two days.

4.7 Modular ORE on real locationsModular ORE (MORE) was suggested by Boldyreva et

al. [5] to address the leakage of ROPF-secure ORE. Whenan adversary sees a column of data encrypted with ROPF,it can extract about half of the plaintext via their scaling at-tack. Thus, they suggest modifying an ROPF-secure OREEr as follows: In addition to the usual key K, store an-other string j, chosen at random from the plaintext space{0, 1}m. Then define Emod

(K,j)(x) := ErK(x+ j), where the ad-

dition x+j is computed modulo 2m. The construction Emod

is no longer strictly speaking an ORE scheme, since the ad-dition wraps sometimes. It was shown that efficient rangequeries are still possible (see [5]). The scaling attack failscompletely against Emod because it recovers the higher-orderbits of x + j mod 2m, which are independent of x. Recentwork [12] developed query protocols to hide the shift valuebut left the actual encryption algorithm as defined above.

We took the Cal dataset, which Mavroforakis et al. usedin testing their MORE algorithms, and applied their MOREconstruction to the latitude and longitude columns indepen-dently (with different keys and different “shifts” for eachcolumns). Then we applied the scaling attack to the ci-phertexts and plotted the results in Fig. 11. We observethat the fine details of the data are preserved (as expected,because ROPF-OPE was used), but it is also obvious howto correct both shifts by hand. We did not explore a quan-titative or automated way to remove the shift. The generalissue appears to be that for some distributions, shifting bya random value still preserves enough structure so that theshift is easily corrected.

Acknowledgements. This material is based upon worksupported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center,Pacific (SSC Pacific) under contract No. N66001-15-C-4070.

This work was supported by NSF grant CNS-1453132.

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80 160















Size of dataset

(a) median line






80 160














Size of dataset


(b) histogram

Figure 10: Accuracy of RtM leakage on SpitzTime.

Figure 11: Visualization of MORE on the Cal dataset.

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What Else is Revealed by Order-Revealing Encryption? · ter some bits are revealed, hidden bits can be guessed to t this tendency. Our attack against the Chenette et al. construction - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the process of decoding data that has been encrypted into a secret format? ›

Encryption protects data confidentiality by converting the data into an unreadable format that is only accessible to authorized parties. Decryption is a technique used to undo encryption and transform ciphertext back into plaintext. Private keys or public keys can both be used to encrypt any message.

What is encryption and hidden? ›

In simple terms, encryption is the process through which data is encoded so that it remains hidden from or inaccessible to unauthorized users. It helps protect private information, sensitive data, and can enhance the security of communication between client apps and servers.

What is the process of decoding a message encryption or decryption? ›

Encryption is the process by which a readable message is converted to an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized parties from reading it. Decryption is the process of converting an encrypted message back to its original (readable) format. The original message is called the plaintext message.

How to decode encrypted data? ›

Right-click on the encrypted file or folder and select “Properties.” In the “Properties” window, navigate to the “General” tab. Locate the “Encrypt contents to secure data” option. Uncheck this option to initiate the decryption process.

What is a secret text resulting from encryption process called? ›

Ciphertext is encrypted text transformed from plaintext using an encryption algorithm.

What is the process of encrypting and decrypting information called? ›

Encryption is the method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information's true meaning. The science of encrypting and decrypting information is called cryptography. Encryption has long been used to protect sensitive information. Historically, it was used by militaries and governments.

What is the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form called? ›

Definition: The conversion of encrypted data into its original form is called Decryption. It is generally a reverse process of encryption. It decodes the encrypted information so that an authorized user can only decrypt the data because decryption requires a secret key or password.

What is the process of data encryption? ›

How encryption works. Encryption works by encoding “plaintext” into “ciphertext,” typically through the use of cryptographic mathematical models known as algorithms. To decode the data back to plaintext requires the use of a decryption key, a string of numbers or a password also created by an algorithm.

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.